github arvidn/libtorrent libtorrent-1_1_2

latest releases: v2.0.11, v1.2.20, v2.0.10...
8 years ago

1.1.2 release

* default TOS marking to 0x20
* fix invalid access when leaving seed-mode with outstanding hash jobs
* fix ABI compatibility issue introduced with preformatted entry type
* add web_seed_name_lookup_retry to session_settings
* slightly improve proxy settings backwards compatibility
* add function to get default settings
* updating super seeding would include the torrent in state_update_alert
* fix issue where num_seeds could be greater than num_peers in torrent_status
* finished non-seed torrents can also be in super-seeding mode
* fix issue related to unloading torrents
* fixed finished-time calculation
* add missing min_memory_usage() and high_performance_seed() settings presets to python
* fix stat cache issue that sometimes would produce incorrect resume data
* storage optimization to peer classes
* fix torrent name in alerts of builds with deprecated functions
* make torrent_info::is_valid() return false if torrent failed to load
* fix per-torrent rate limits for >256 peer classes
* don't load user_agent and peer_fingerprint from session_state
* fix file rename issue with name prefix matching torrent name
* fix division by zero when setting tick_interval > 1000
* fix move_storage() to its own directory (would delete the files)
* fix socks5 support for UDP
* add setting urlseed_max_request_bytes to handle large web seed requests
* fix python build with CC/CXX environment
* add trackers from add_torrent_params/magnet links to separate tiers
* fix resumedata check issue with files with priority 0
* deprecated mmap_cache feature
* add utility function for generating peer ID fingerprint
* fix bug in last-seen-complete
* remove file size limit in torrent_info filename constructor
* fix tail-padding for last file in create_torrent
* don't send user-agent in metadata http downloads or UPnP requests when
  in anonymous mode
* fix internal resolve links lookup for mutable torrents
* hint DHT bootstrap nodes of actual bootstrap request

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