github arichornlover/uYouEnhanced v17.42.7-2.1-(288)
v17.42.7-2.1 + uYouPlusExtra Features

18 months ago

uYouPlusExtra Features

uYouPlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the original uYouPlus which were probably denied.

YTDisableHighContrastUI: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

YTDisableHighContrastUIColors: This tweak is an add-on for YTDisableHighContrastUI. grants users additional colors instead of just Gray Icons.

(Deprecated) YTDisableLandscapePanel: go to settings and go to section “A/B” and disable the toggle isLandscapeEngagementPanelEnabled

YTNoHeatwaves: another small feature to disable or enable the Heatwaves feature when watching videos in non-fullscreen videos and fullscreen videos.

YTNoUpdateMenu: will disable the update menu no matter what. and should give you a lot of time to stay on that version of the app until google kills support of the YouTube App completely. (This Tweak is meant for TrollStore users)

uYouPlusExtra Release Information

Default YouTube IPA: v17.42.7
Default App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later

RELEASE F1: Updated YouTube to v17.42.7, along with search bar support for “uYouPlus Personalization”, Improvements with the YTColdConfig configuration, fixed crash in 17.42.7 or newer & Updated YTABConfig 1.4.0 >> YTABConfig 1.4.1

RELEASE F2: Improves with Darker Dark Mode, Removed Disabie LandscapePanel Toggle & Updated YTABConfig 1.4.1 >> 1.4.2

Note: qnblackcat formatted and decided to remove the old code for 16.42.3 and I had to remove support on making 16.42.3/16.46.5 or older because some of the options will not work as intended since some of that code is gone. so I suggest downloading the last-supported version of the ipa below if you do need it!

v16.42.3 Release:

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