github ampproject/amphtml 2201262038001

latest releases: 2406281604000, 2406271903000, 2406262239000...
2 years ago

🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

2201262038000 was patched and published as 2201262038001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



npm packages @ 1.2201262038.1

  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 624997a - 🐛[bento-sidebar] Remove accidentally rendered panel from sidebar.
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
  • 97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
  • 7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement

Packages not changed:

Changes by component

ads (2)9c8d1c5 - ♻️ Update Revcontent internal development URL
bc18a1d - Replacing validation param
amp-accordion (3)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-ad-network-smartadserver-impl (2)80b15f9 - 🐛 [Smartadserver] Implement iframe_get method for iOS creative rendering
ff631a5 - 🐛[amp-ad smartadserver] Get page domain
amp-base-carousel (4)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
e5b4316 - Add descriptive names to all validator reference points.
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-bind (1)0e67027 - 📖 Mention that amp-state can contain a constant
amp-brightcove (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-carousel (2)5494590 - compiler: use .ts files
e5b4316 - Add descriptive names to all validator reference points.
amp-dailymotion (2)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-date-countdown (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-date-display (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-embedly-card (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-facebook (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-fit-text (2)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-iframe (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-inline-gallery (3)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-instagram (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-jwplayer (2)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
991b44b - ♻️ 🏗 Update build-system to build bento components stored in a new directory
amp-lightbox (3)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-lightbox-gallery (3)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-live-list (1)e5b4316 - Add descriptive names to all validator reference points.
amp-mathml (2)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-next-page (1)e5b4316 - Add descriptive names to all validator reference points.
amp-render (2)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-selector (4)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
e5b4316 - Add descriptive names to all validator reference points.
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-sidebar (4)624997a - 🐛[bento-sidebar] Remove accidentally rendered panel from sidebar.
7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-social-share (3)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-soundcloud (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-story (8)1bda18d - 📖 [Story analytics] Use `amp-story-share-menu` for share analytics
22fb109 - ✨ [Story video] Check if cache response contains audio
2c41c95 - Add required `autoplay` attribute in
396443f - 🐛 [amp story] Change toggleAttribute to set/removeAttribute
49be49a - 🚀 [Story performance] Remove interactive host styles
a2a5d0f - 🐛 [Story performance] Apply last animation frames on prerender
c04d488 - 🐛 Page Size Onresize get correct page dimensions for store service
e5b4316 - Add descriptive names to all validator reference points.
amp-story-auto-ads (1)a2a5d0f - 🐛 [Story performance] Apply last animation frames on prerender
amp-story-auto-analytics (1)8cb8382 - 🐛 [amp-story-auto-analytics] Add the 'groups' key back into the Web Stories' gTag configuration
amp-story-dev-tools (1)396443f - 🐛 [amp story] Change toggleAttribute to set/removeAttribute
amp-story-interactive (1)49be49a - 🚀 [Story performance] Remove interactive host styles
amp-story-page-attachment (3)3212ffe - 🐛 [amp story page attachment] min-height for drawers when in supports-landscape mode
396443f - 🐛 [amp story] Change toggleAttribute to set/removeAttribute
8481283 - 🖍 [Page Attachments] Use lighter font colors for dark themed form submission status text
amp-story-shopping (1)a993fd7 - ✨ amp-story-shopping-tag text specs
amp-story-subscriptions (1)1edf4ae - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Create the paywall extension with boilerplate code
amp-stream-gallery (2)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-timeago (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-twitter (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-video (4)22fb109 - ✨ [Story video] Check if cache response contains audio
7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
amp-video-iframe (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-vimeo (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-wordpress-embed (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
amp-youtube (1)7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
build-system (20)006ff61 - Update selenium-webdriver to 4.1.1
0aae7ff - 🏗 Remove nightly promotion trigger from cut-nightly.yml workflow (undo #37328)
0fbe880 - 🏗🐛 Use /tmp/restored-workspace to find the AMP version number when calling the nightly channel promote job
1a0cce5 - 🏗️ Consolidate React Storybook
1edf4ae - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Create the paywall extension with boilerplate code
22264f5 - 🏗🐛 Fix uses of eslint `node.start/end` vs. `node.range`
396443f - 🐛 [amp story] Change toggleAttribute to set/removeAttribute
494112f - 🏗 Trigger promote workflow after uploading release
6474ad5 - typecheck: merge new-server check with the rest.
66aa670 - 🏗 Update paths in `no-import-rename`
7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
8002864 - lint: remove no-static-this
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
991b44b - ♻️ 🏗 Update build-system to build bento components stored in a new directory
a6f1397 - 🏗 Apply Babel config to React Storybook
bc66c89 - 🏗🐛 Fix range in `forbidden-terms-config`
c74f176 - 🏗 Persist AMP version number between jobs in CircleCI release pipeline
dcc1c31 - Fix trigger promote job
ddbef94 - 🚮 Remove workaround to prevent Webpack from using tildes in names
f9d4710 - 🏗 add storybook for react
package updates (0)
src (13)027c6e5 - preact parseProps: only match elements
292981b - Compiler: Add amp-carousel-0.1 to the builder map (take2)
396443f - 🐛 [amp story] Change toggleAttribute to set/removeAttribute
44af66f - change fn name
5494590 - compiler: use .ts files
7c36fd2 - Extract AMPPreactBaseElement
8002864 - lint: remove no-static-this
816b4f8 - fix comment
82f2531 - ✨ Add Denakop to RTC callout vendors
97a9825 - ♿ Flip `tabindex` prop mapping
991b44b - ♻️ 🏗 Update build-system to build bento components stored in a new directory
bdc38f0 - replace caroline as an owner of src/preact
ea51ac4 - Update OWNERS for tsconfig and compiler
third_party (2)3139e36 - SwG Release
5680e37 - 🏗 Update OWNERS for third_party/subscriptions-project
validator (4)29eac63 - ✨ Allow `importance` attribute on `amp-img` and SSR'ed `amp-img > img`
96bebbc - Validator rollup.
9bfce34 - Validator rollup
bcf39f3 - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser

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