github ampproject/amphtml 2002141856310

latest releases: 2502032353000, 2501142147000, 2501101900000...
pre-release5 years ago
Baseline release: 2002112037430

Raw notes

443e480 Fix sharing layout when the label is two lines long. (#26605)
a82e99b 🚫 [amp-story-player] Temporarily disable messaging (#26604)
bb397cd 🐛 batched-xhr-impl: use absolute url as key for batchFetch (#26583)
bb4fcac 🖍 [amp-story-player] Extract iframe css to different file (#26613)
b3b0bfa 🐛 Fix typos for (#26616)
8f2b4ad ✨Add percentage display to (#26482)
8b999e9 amp-list: Add user warning to use binding=refresh (#26493)
1c21a39 Updating path to Yahoo ad script (#26460)
c6b35fe 🏗 SwG Release (#26600)
1316a36 ♻️ Use new mutator API in auto-lightbox (#26587)
c8e1e96 📖 Update list of video players (#26504)
956c54a Ibeat Analytics tracking method changed (#26596)
0b12137 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v2.1.1 (#26633)
dea7576 Validator rollup (#26621)
20b8997 Fix shadow test state pollution (#26607)
c7c46ce 📦 Update dependency chromedriver to v80 (#26625)
439c12b ⏩Skip broken shadow tests (#26639)
a89d625 ♻️ Resource=>Mutator refactor for apester-media (#26546)
7ac50af 📦 Update dependency escodegen to v1.14.1 (#26641)
39b1f61 ✨Add amp-iframe support for Pym.js width and height resize messages (#24917)
c3cebfe amp-consent a11y improvement (#26456)
48f7bda Remove visual diff test for amp-consent (#26532)
3d21e45 ✨ Support data-param-* in amp-video-iframe (#26636)
6e9b7ab ampdoc: Add get/setMetaByName methods (#26609)
cc0e58f Resolve macros before encoding for analytics variables (#26271)
a762bfc 🌐Add i18n for answer choice options (#26635)
63694fa ✨amp-consent: Add Chandago's AppConsent to CMPs list (#25834) (#26539)
4d05b44 ♻️ performance-impl: delete unused code (#26618)
2befade Skip ads test breaking master (#26659)
19cedca quick fix and update to amp-timeago (#26650)
4a98ed8 🐛 amp-story: Remove duplicate replaceState on navigation (#26624)
3a1731a 🐛 amp-subscriptions: Fixes click event delegation for iOS 12 and lower (#26658)
003272f Fix advancementMode variables for time based advancements. (#26581)
287fd9c ♻️Rename ShadowDomWriter* => DomWriter* (#26447)
5e82ff0 ✅ Set amp-ad unit test to use unreachable domain (#26670)
751f777 📖 Migrate mediapool overview doc to 1.0 (#26668)
5c3ee1d ✅ Fix shadow tests broken due to deprecated createShadowRoot API (#26672)
489204f 🖍 Increase CSS byte limit from 50000 bytes to 75000 bytes (#26475)
20039cd ✨Implement amp-ad-exit indirect targets (#26517)
e6312c7 ✅Change domains on tests for ads/analytics (#26674)
af50ae0 make extensions end in mjs file extension type (#26340)
4111736 Nested macros adding caveat documentation (#26648)
f0861ad TE Medya (Vidyome) Native Ads Integration (#26564)
1364e8a Enable a4a friendly iframe css splitting for prod (#23933)
e91aa72 🖍 Remove placeholder on amp-access-scroll (#26663)
4625680 amp-access: Support i-amphtml-access-state lookup in AmpDocShadow (#26679)
65738d1 SwG Release (#26706)
da1fb54 🐛📖 Fix url (#26707)
e3be1b2 ✨amp-inline-gallery docs and validation rules (#26708)
1644c32 📖 Cleanup amp-list documentation indentations (#26640)
24d7dcf 🏗 Watch and rebuild amp-a4a when an ad network extension is being watched (#26721)
c98e5f3 amp-script: Use updated method to get meta hashes (#26535)
6dd0400 🚀 Remove amp-truncate-text experiment check (#26720)
6e8f6c9 ✨Implement amp-stream-gallery (#26710)
8ac8ba0 Added pauseCallback in amp-ima-video (#26422)
89d8dc3 🐛amp-ima-video: show play/pause button in ad controls (#23660)
30dbbb4 amp-analytics: Support amp-google-client-id-api lookup in AmpDocShadow (#26683)
ca175d7 📦 Update dependency jest-silent-reporter to v0.2.1 (#26644)
b245bc2 🚀 Change const to let VariableDeclarations for ESM Output (#26727)
ff24f9b Update Analytics integration doc (#26056)
a5d2240 amp-consent uiConfig and captions documentation (#26722)
082e2d6 Fork media amp-ad update (#26733)
4e4756f 🐛 Fix validation error (#26736)

Breakdown by component

ads (5) 1c21a39 Updating path to Yahoo ad script (#26460)
e6312c7 ✅Change domains on tests for ads/analytics (#26674)
f0861ad TE Medya (Vidyome) Native Ads Integration (#26564)
89d8dc3 🐛amp-ima-video: show play/pause button in ad controls (#23660)
082e2d6 Fork media amp-ad update (#26733)
amp-a4a (1) e6312c7 ✅Change domains on tests for ads/analytics (#26674)
amp-access (1) 4625680 amp-access: Support i-amphtml-access-state lookup in AmpDocShadow (#26679)
amp-access-scroll (1) e91aa72 🖍 Remove placeholder on amp-access-scroll (#26663)
amp-ad (4) 2befade Skip ads test breaking master (#26659)
5e82ff0 ✅ Set amp-ad unit test to use unreachable domain (#26670)
e6312c7 ✅Change domains on tests for ads/analytics (#26674)
f0861ad TE Medya (Vidyome) Native Ads Integration (#26564)
amp-ad-exit (1) 20039cd ✨Implement amp-ad-exit indirect targets (#26517)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1) 1364e8a Enable a4a friendly iframe css splitting for prod (#23933)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (1) 1364e8a Enable a4a friendly iframe css splitting for prod (#23933)
amp-analytics (6) 956c54a Ibeat Analytics tracking method changed (#26596)
cc0e58f Resolve macros before encoding for analytics variables (#26271)
e6312c7 ✅Change domains on tests for ads/analytics (#26674)
4111736 Nested macros adding caveat documentation (#26648)
30dbbb4 amp-analytics: Support amp-google-client-id-api lookup in AmpDocShadow (#26683)
ff24f9b Update Analytics integration doc (#26056)
amp-apester-media (1) a89d625 ♻️ Resource=>Mutator refactor for apester-media (#26546)
amp-auto-lightbox (1) 1316a36 ♻️ Use new mutator API in auto-lightbox (#26587)
amp-consent (4) c3cebfe amp-consent a11y improvement (#26456)
63694fa ✨amp-consent: Add Chandago's AppConsent to CMPs list (#25834) (#26539)
da1fb54 🐛📖 Fix url (#26707)
a5d2240 amp-consent uiConfig and captions documentation (#26722)
amp-iframe (1) 39b1f61 ✨Add amp-iframe support for Pym.js width and height resize messages (#24917)
amp-ima-video (2) 8ac8ba0 Added pauseCallback in amp-ima-video (#26422)
89d8dc3 🐛amp-ima-video: show play/pause button in ad controls (#23660)
amp-inline-gallery (1) e3be1b2 ✨amp-inline-gallery docs and validation rules (#26708)
amp-list (2) 8b999e9 amp-list: Add user warning to use binding=refresh (#26493)
1644c32 📖 Cleanup amp-list documentation indentations (#26640)
amp-script (1) c98e5f3 amp-script: Use updated method to get meta hashes (#26535)
amp-story (8) 443e480 Fix sharing layout when the label is two lines long. (#26605)
b3b0bfa 🐛 Fix typos for (#26616)
8f2b4ad ✨Add percentage display to (#26482)
a762bfc 🌐Add i18n for answer choice options (#26635)
4a98ed8 🐛 amp-story: Remove duplicate replaceState on navigation (#26624)
003272f Fix advancementMode variables for time based advancements. (#26581)
751f777 📖 Migrate mediapool overview doc to 1.0 (#26668)
4e4756f 🐛 Fix validation error (#26736)
amp-stream-gallery (1) 6e8f6c9 ✨Implement amp-stream-gallery (#26710)
amp-subscriptions (1) 3a1731a 🐛 amp-subscriptions: Fixes click event delegation for iOS 12 and lower (#26658)
amp-timeago (1) 19cedca quick fix and update to amp-timeago (#26650)
amp-truncate-text (1) 6dd0400 🚀 Remove amp-truncate-text experiment check (#26720)
amp-video-iframe (1) 3d21e45 ✨ Support data-param-* in amp-video-iframe (#26636)
build-system (7) bb4fcac 🖍 [amp-story-player] Extract iframe css to different file (#26613)
cc0e58f Resolve macros before encoding for analytics variables (#26271)
af50ae0 make extensions end in mjs file extension type (#26340)
1364e8a Enable a4a friendly iframe css splitting for prod (#23933)
24d7dcf 🏗 Watch and rebuild `amp-a4a` when an ad network extension is being watched (#26721)
6e8f6c9 ✨Implement amp-stream-gallery (#26710)
b245bc2 🚀 Change `const` to `let` VariableDeclarations for ESM Output (#26727)
package updates (4) 0b12137 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v2.1.1 (#26633)
c7c46ce 📦 Update dependency chromedriver to v80 (#26625)
7ac50af 📦 Update dependency escodegen to v1.14.1 (#26641)
ca175d7 📦 Update dependency jest-silent-reporter to v0.2.1 (#26644)
src (10) a82e99b 🚫 [amp-story-player] Temporarily disable messaging (#26604)
bb397cd 🐛 batched-xhr-impl: use absolute url as key for batchFetch (#26583)
bb4fcac 🖍 [amp-story-player] Extract iframe css to different file (#26613)
6e9b7ab ampdoc: Add get/setMetaByName methods (#26609)
cc0e58f Resolve macros before encoding for analytics variables (#26271)
a762bfc 🌐Add i18n for answer choice options (#26635)
4d05b44 ♻️ performance-impl: delete unused code (#26618)
287fd9c ♻️Rename ShadowDomWriter* => DomWriter* (#26447)
1364e8a Enable a4a friendly iframe css splitting for prod (#23933)
30dbbb4 amp-analytics: Support amp-google-client-id-api lookup in AmpDocShadow (#26683)
third_party (2) c6b35fe 🏗 SwG Release (#26600)
65738d1 SwG Release (#26706)
validator (2) dea7576 Validator rollup (#26621)
489204f 🖍 Increase CSS byte limit from 50000 bytes to 75000 bytes (#26475)

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