github ampproject/amphtml 1501025810254

latest releases: 2404230718000, 2404181825000, 2404091947000...
6 years ago

Version: 1501025810254

Based on original release: 1500506437076

  • Change values (#10626)
  • Change experiment branches in A4A configs for adsense and doubleclick. (#10625)
  • AdSense/Doubleclick Fast Fetch: Fix random experiment selection (#10570)
  • amp-bind: Only fallback for nodes in top window (#10534)
  • amp-bind: Only fallback for nodes in top window (#10534)
  • Implementation of Real Time Config (#9857)
  • Fix data-use-same-domain-rendering-until-deprecated (#10533)
  • user error trigger (#10148)
  • Allows sharing of master frame in between different ad networks. (#10051)
  • Improve logs for Sauce labs runs on Travis (#10530)
  • Implement viewer CID opt-in (#10519)
  • Cache more dirs in travis (#10505)
  • Add a visual diff test for access controlled articles (#10511)
  • Add comment to bytesToString (#10520)
  • Enable Fast Fetch for AdSense by default (#10493)
  • Change amp-imgur embedding link for fix #10490 (#10517)
  • Remove opt_factory from service building in runtime.js (#10289)
  • Include a blank snapshot for Percy builds on master (#10526)
  • Print summary after running unit tests on Travis (#10516)
  • Change lightbox curve to ease-out (#10392)
  • Cleanly shut down webserver after karma tests (#10508)
  • Revert "Reassign old FE's top style after auto-top detection (#10366)"
  • Fixes multisize creative centering. (#10414)
  • Establish golden version of blank page on Percy (#10512)
  • Use os.environ.get() for (#10510)
  • Add a --skip mode for visual diff tests and make them PR blocking (#10498)
  • Fix bytesToString stack overflow (#10504)
  • AMP Ad Refresh (#9535)
  • Run ava tests in a gulp task (#10483)
  • Better test logging for local development and Travis runs (#10479)
  • Video-docking edge cases and bug fixes (#10254)
  • Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485)
  • Implements scrollTo, focus and blur standard actions (#10398)
  • Animations: index() function for staggered animations (#10451)
  • Fixes multisize creative centering. (#10414)
  • Access: support negative numbers (#10487)
  • Fix fixed-position and stick-position offsets (#10436)
  • Analytics: support element box for :root selector (#10434)
  • Animations: 'supports' condition and fallback (#10445)
  • Move service getters to static class functions (#10460)
  • Increase local timeout for amp-bind tests (#10473)
  • Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
  • Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback (#10403)
  • refractor analytics.js (#10465)
  • Skip flaky video test (#10459)
  • amp-list: Support placeholder and fallback (#10426)
  • Add support for the slot element. (#10458)
  • Add a --quiet mode to gulp serve and silence webserver logs on Travis (#10422)
  • Makes data-vars- attribute work in amp-ad. (#10438)
  • Rename PLAY -> PLAYING for IMA as well (#10437)
  • amp-ad | refactor fallback 'ad' text in order to easily support i18n (#7665)
  • Skip video tests that wait for .LOAD, fix in the works (#10435)
  • Animations: install polyfill even with native support (#10412)
  • onResize: only dispatch when size changes, expose relayoutAll and use in amp-animation and visibilityManager (#10397)
  • Add new analytics vendor: top100 (#10328)
  • add CLA info and join link (#10418)
  • Clean up amp-ad-exit experiment (#10428)
  • Cleanly exit gulp server (#10410)
  • Add DoubleClick options to the Criteo ad tag (#10111)
  • Fix bad merge with imports (#10411)
  • Animation: normalize CSS expressions for fuller compatibility with polyfills (#10344)
  • PWA: workaround Firefox not being able to stream DOM (#10364)
  • [amp-sidebar 1.0][Toolbar] Docs for toolbar (#10202)
  • Made the requested change by @camelburrito (#10383)
  • Move documentStateFor() to services.js (#10340)
  • Add per-page custom CSS waits for visual diff tests (#10389)
  • Clean up unused methods in lightbox manager (#10368)
  • Fixing typo

Breakdown by component

amp-3q-player Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496) Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Move service getters to static class functions (#10460) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-a4a Move service getters to static class functions (#10460)
amp-access Access: support negative numbers (#10487) Move service getters to static class functions (#10460)
amp-access-laterpay Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496) Move service getters to static class functions (#10460)
amp-accordion Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-ad Move service getters to static class functions (#10460) Makes `data-vars-` attribute work in amp-ad. (#10438)
amp-ad-exit Move service getters to static class functions (#10460)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl Enable Fast Fetch for AdSense by default (#10493) Move service getters to static class functions (#10460) refractor analytics.js (#10465)
amp-ad-network-cloudflare-impl Enable Fast Fetch for AdSense by default (#10493)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl Fix data-use-same-domain-rendering-until-deprecated (#10533) Move service getters to static class functions (#10460) refractor analytics.js (#10465)
amp-analytics Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Fix fixed-position and stick-position offsets (#10436) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-anim Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-animation Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496) Animations: index() function for staggered animations (#10451) Animations: 'supports' condition and fallback (#10445)
amp-apester-media Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-app-banner Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-audio Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-bind amp-bind: Only fallback for nodes in top window (#10534) Increase local timeout for amp-bind tests (#10473)
amp-brid-player Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496) Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-brightcove Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-call-tracking Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-dailymotion Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496) Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-experiment Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496) Mention primary use cases in amp-experiment docs. (#10443)
amp-facebook Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-facebook-comments Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-facebook-like Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-fit-text Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-font Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-fx-flying-carpet Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-fx-parallax Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-gfycat Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-gist Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-google-vrview-image Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-hulu Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-ima-video Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-image-lightbox Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-imgur Change amp-imgur embedding link for fix #10490 (#10517) Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-instagram Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-izlesene Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-jwplayer Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-kaltura-player Doc tidy - add TOC and headings for attributes (#10496)
amp-nexxtv-player Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-ooyala-player Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-pixel Move service getters to static class functions (#10460)
amp-twitter Add info on placeholder & fallback behavior + more (#10488)
amp-video Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
amp-youtube Attempt to deflake video integration tests from #10403 (#10485) Revert "Add suggestions from post-merge review feedback" (#10474)
validator Use os.environ.get() for (#10510) Following #10479, using os.environ.get('TRAVIS') instead of accessing directly. Better test logging for local development and Travis runs (#10479) - Replaces karma's `dots` reporter with `super-dots` on Travis. Now prints color coded check marks and crosses for passing / failing tests - Replaces karma's `progress` reporter with `mocha` if `--testnames` or `--files` is passed in to the command line. If enabled, this will print the name of each test being run and its pass / fail status. Default behavior remains unchanged. - Silences extremely verbose dependency install log messages for validator tests, since these currently account for more than half the size of a travis log. Errors will still be printed to the console.

Add support for the slot element. (#10458)
Resolves #10345

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