Features / Enhancements
- RocketMQ Binder refactor and integrates with RocketMQ Spring Boot. (#259)
- Add spring-cloud-alibaba-dubbo module. (#263)
- Add spring-cloud-alibaba-sentinel-zuul module. (#58)
- Add spring-cloud-alibaba-fescar module. (#303)
- Add spring-cloud-alicloud-sms module. (#492)
- Naocs Discovery support connect to Alibaba Cloud (#357)
- Sentinel Endpoint show more information. (#490)
- Nacos Discovery support HeartbeatEvent. (#283)
- Add "resttemplate.sentinel.enabled" property to enable/disable @SentinelRestTemplate. (#426)
- Add more configurations for SentinelProperties. (#489)
- Using @EnableDiscoveryClient optional. (#333)
- Optimize CircuitBreaking in RestTemplate. (#482)
- RocketMq Binder Adapt Ons Binder. (#145)
- Add ruleType property for Sentinel AbstractDataSourceProperties. (#219)
- Nacos Service Discovery support the non-web environment. (#267)
- RocketMQ Binder enhance error handle. (#245)
- Nacos Discovery namespace support isolate the data. (#317)
- Dubbo Services Registration uses Spring Cloud registry abstraction. (#269)
- Add @DubboTransported Annotation. (#348)
- Support @LoadBalanced RestTemplate using Dubbo protocol. (#340)
- Dubbo Spring Cloud supports Spring official service registries. (#386)
- Add Nacos Discovery/Config switch property. (#411,#347)
- Add broadcasting property for rocketmq bus. (#493)
Bug fixes
- @SentinelRestTemplate won't add interceptor when RestTemplate annotated by @bean annotation and construct in @configuration class. (#227)
- Rules can not be updated when Dynamic Rule DataSource load empty data for the first time. (#206)
- Sentinel Support @EnableCircuitBreaker. (#294)
- Fix SchedulerX circular reference bug. (#491)
- Failed to startup application when disabled sentinel. (#527)
Thanks for the contributors:@yunzheng1228, @tigerMoon, @slievrly, @mostcool, @pig4cloud, @carlWangTao, @yanglbme, @codewaltz1994, @caojiele, @JakeConnors376W, @Harris2012, @justlive1, MaoJianwei, bluesword12350