github WJDDesigns/Ultra-Vehicle-Card 1.3.1

latest releases: 1.6.9-beta1, 1.6.8, 1.6.8-beta7...
4 months ago

Wow, where do I begin... Oh yeah, thank you so much to all of you who have downloaded this project of mine. I am new to the world of coding and wanting to make something the community would love. I have seen all of your issues, questions, wants and needs and quite frankly WOW there were a lot. I hope in time I can mange to tackle every one of those the best I can. I want to also say that tipping goes a long way, mainly so I can show my wife the time that I hide in my office coding is worth it ;) haha. I feel like that right now I am similar to the recipe you go look up online but instead of getting to the nitty gritty you have to read their life story, my bad. so.....

  • Fixed Location spot to possibly work much better - you be the judge.
  • Fixed mileage and remaining miles to use unit of measurement instead of hardcoding that in.
  • Added an Engine On entity so when your engine is on you can have it do the bar animation just like those special EV people.
  • Added individual icon colors, yeah really. Now you can change the inactive and active colors to whatever you want.
  • Added Icon Size for each icon to be adjusted. (the drag bar to change size is annoying so you might have to click on it for right now).
  • Added some more custom colors so you can go crazy with making the card more you. Also when defaulting on either dark or light mode in HA it will use what the default would be for that mode. You can get to the default by hitting the reset icon in the color picker.
  • Added Entity selection for main and charge image. I am working on template code direct but it is a little hard to render. I am wondering if you can use a helper/template and choose from entity to get that working?
  • Moved some items around and made some friends.

Want to have a voice or discuss this card? Join our Discord group by using the link here: and you might see some teasers or learn about me more, like my favorite colors or movies... or more of the card since you care about that more.

Spacial thanks goes out to my Discord group for helping me chat while staying up late working on this, it helped!

Enjoy and share those screenshots!

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