github Syncplay/syncplay v1.7.4-Beta1
Syncplay 1.7.4 Beta 1

pre-release3 months ago

New features:

  • Added 'readiness override' feature. If you can control a remove, you can set someone a ready or not ready through the context menu in the list of who is playing what. Only works if the server is running v.1.7.4, but can change status for people using older clients. Adds the folderSearchWarningThreshold' setting to the Synclay INI. (#674 by @Et0h)
  • Allow folder search timings to be tweaked for better FTP rmount support, adding 'folderSearchFirstFileTimeout', 'folderSearchTimeout' and 'folderSearchDoubleCheckInterval' settings to the Synclay INI (#682 raised by @t-nil resolved by @Et0h)

Bug fixes and maintenance:

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