Backup your data! Copy your server's tshock.sqlite, config, and world files to a separate location before unpacking.
- Fixed bed spawn issues when trying to remove spawn point in SSC. (@Olink)
- Fixed Snake Flute. (@Olink)
- Fixed lava absorbant sponge not capturing lava.
now returns aLiquidType
instead of a byte type. (@hakusaro) - Fixed bottomless lava bucket from not being able to create lava. (@hakusaro)
- Ban a lava bucket to ban lava on the server entirely, until we figure out a better way to handle liquids.
- Fixed scarab bombs not detonating on pick style tiles. (@hakusaro)
- Fixed dirt bombs not creating dirt. (@hakusaro)
- Added a ridiculous amount of debug information. If you're experiencing any problems with 1.4 items being caught by the TShock anticheat system, please turn on DebugLogs in your config file and capture log data. It'll be extremely helpful in narrowing down precisely how to fix your problem. (@hakusaro)
- Released with entangled support for based on @Patrikkk local build and latest snapshot gen-dev. (@hakusaro)
This is a release that is suitable for private servers with trusted players: several anticheat checks have been disabled due to changes in the Terraria
protocol. These checks include projectile spam checks and net modules (liquid exploits in particular). We highly suggest making a backup of your world (and potentially any existing server data you have). This is also an interesting release because it includes changes that have been in development for quite some time. If you're a plugin developer, now is the time to start updating. More breaking changes may happen, but there will always be an updated API version to track.