github PredatH0r/ChanSort v2015-09-19
ChanSort 2015-09-19

latest releases: v2025-01-15, v2024-10-15, v2024-10-02...
9 years ago
  • Samsung J series: fixed deleting of channels
  • LG GlobalClone: modified channel names were not written to the file
  • LG GlobalClone: ask whether the conflicting xx*.TLL files should be
    renamed so that the TV can import the GlobalClone file.
  • LG GlobalClone: improved support for old file format with may
    have caused errors due to invalid XML characters inside the file.
  • Panasonic: re-enabled channel lists with gaps in the numbers
  • Update-Check: looking for latest version at
  • Detecting corrupted files with 0 size or all bytes with value 0

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