github Nexus-Mods/Vortex v0.15.3

latest releases: v1.13.7, v1.13.6, v1.13.5...
pre-release6 years ago

fixed: error reports would fail if the user wasn't logged in
fixed: duplicate mod entries
fixed: would sometimes show an old notification again instead of the latest one
fixed: exception when search paths are inaccessible
fixed: exception when a mod with no attributes makes it into the database
fixed: exception trying to transfer between profiles when the game never had mods installed
fixed: exception when ini changes introduce a new section
fixed: exception when removing mods when no deployment method available
fixed: exception during deployment in move deployment
fixed: exception trying to show notification balloon with missing parameters
fixed: exception when userlist can't be read
fixed: rare exception when a download has been interrupted
fixed: error message when removing mod while deployment active
fixed: replace deployment manifest in an atomic operation to prevent reads of partial file
fixed: table selection could get messed up
fixed: Vortex no longer "forgets" user is premium on every start
fixed: registered globally as handler for http protocol
fixed: code acquiring write access to locked files might unlock the wrong file (source instead of destination)
fixed: external change detection broken for some games
fixed: more graciously handling of the case where a modtype is no longer deployable
fixed: errors caused by broken steam installs
fixed: elevated file operations sometimes failed
fixed: display errors in download graph
fixed: locked plugin index wasn't always applied correctly, also didn't update immediately
fixed: notes were displayed for uninstalled mods but wouldn't be saved
fixed: failure to enable profile-specific save games
fixed: import from NMM could fail if archives were missing
fixed: meta data editor was offered for unfinished downloads (and would then fail)
improved: no longer show premium banners to supporters
improved: date picker widget
improved: feedback that feedback was received
improved: warn (once) when starting vortex as administrator
improved: better download behavior on very fast internet connections
improved: performance improvements
improved: no longer try to make the user-selected mod/download directories writable
improved: will now write out native plugins to plugins.txt for games where tools expect that
improved: case insensitive sort in various columns
improved: prevent sending invalid feedback (which would otherwise be refused by the server)
improved: gedosato modtype will now also apply if textures are in png format
improved: updated german translations (thanks to dertrutinator)
feature: download/mod dropzone and download graph toggleable
feature: progress bar during deployment
feature: a history of redux events can now be reported with a feedback message
feature: issue tracker dashlet
feature: feedback title
feature: added ability for user to select mod type
feature: enb modtype (manual selection only)
feature: Can now automatically clean up groups that disappeared from the master list

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