github LoveRetro/NextUI v2.5.1-release

latest release: v2.5.2-release
2 days ago


  • Improved dynamic CPU scaling algorithm a lot more, keeps your device cool, improves your battery life and gives that performance boost right in the moments that you need it. Go to game menu -> options -> frontend and set CPU Speed to auto to enable it
  • Added cpu temperature in celcius to debug hud
  • Cleaned up debug hud a bit

For full features list and help on how to use etc of NextUI:

How to install/update

Just copy (don't unzip this file, just copy as zip file) and the trimui folder from the base zip file you downloaded to the root of your SD Card to update / install. When you turn on your device it will say updating/installing and after it will be installed/updated :)
Extra's can be copied optionally to your SD Card for extra emulators and tools.

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