github KelvinTegelaar/CIPP v7.0.1
v7.0.1 - The Winter

latest releases: v7.3.0, v7.2.0, v7.1.0...
one month ago

Wow. Just wow. It's been so long that I've wrote one of these that the entire concept of release notes feel foreign. I almost forgot that we name all of our releases after a cocktail. It's also been pretty cold here so hence the name of this release. Only here for the cocktail recipe? Check this out. Here for the actual goodies? the amazing CIPPv7 release? Let's get going!

Complete rewritten interface, by Devias

CIPPv7 contains an entirely new interface, complete rewritten from the ground up by our designers Devias. This interface rewrite was in beta for the past several weeks and tested by a good team of users. CIPPv7 has some pretty changes in regards to the interface, but also loading times and speeds. Of course we would not be us if we would not develop new features, and improve on what we had. This isn't just a minor rewrite, it's a huge change of some of the concepts we use inside of CIPP.

I truly hope you'll all enjoy it. The new interface is blazingly fast, has many new options and has a huge increase in UX.

Standards re-envisioned. WARNING: Attention required

We have revised our standards engine to be much more flexible. Instead of having 1 standard per tenant you can now build standard templates. You can also decide not to apply standards on a schedule, or just apply one or two items to all tenants. It also became easier than ever to create exclusions and complex standard setups. Want to know more? see it in action? Check out the video below.

You do need to take some action after upgrading. Head on over to the standards page, click on "Convert Standards" and enable their schedule once more if you like your setup.


Audit log view

We've also made it possible to get the auditlogs that have been triggered inside of CIPP, including some cool new geo-location stuff. Something I've personally really wanted for a while. Again, video, right below.

Business Email Compromise detection; improved being recognition.

Our previous BEC wizard was great; but still required you to have a pretty technical mind on things. We've eased this for you. CIPP now checks the logs for any sign, and tells you if it happened or not. Still wanna do the analysis yourself? that's okay too. We've made the report available so you can actually see and read the data yourself after a potential compromise. Check out the video below.

Sherweb PUBLIC beta

And with the release of CIPPv7 we're also very proud to announce the public beta of the Sherweb CSP integration. This integration allows you to buy licenses, remove licenses, see which are assigned, and increase/decrease the count on demand using Sherwebs API.

One very cool coming feature is fully automated NCE migrations. Are you migrating away from an old CSP to Sherweb? CIPP will do this for you. It will decrease the license count at your old CSP and increase the license count at Sherweb so no one has to manually monitor NCE expiration dates anymore.

OSS 4Lyfe

We also want to give special thanks to a couple of other OSS projects that have helped us in making CIPP as pretty as it can be;

Go check them out!


We extend our gratitude to our supporters at,,,, Huntress at,,,, our friends at, and of course!

In this release, special thanks to @sherweb at for the CSP integration. We absolutely love it.

but wait there's more.

We've embedded so many new features, we've made so many QoL changes that not everything can be listed. Over the next few weeks we'll release more videos and guides about feature updates, and some very cool new stuff that's coming in two weeks. That's right. We're back to our two week release cycle.

Self hosted frontend update instructions

  1. Open Your Repository on GitHub

    • Go to and open the repository where you want to make changes.
  2. Find the .github/workflows Folder

    • Look for the folder named .github at the root of your repo.
    • Inside .github, click on workflows.
  3. Locate the Relevant Workflow Files

    • Within workflows, look for all files whose names begin with azure-static-web-apps.
    • Examples: azure-static-web-apps-main.yml, azure-staticweb-apps-xyz.yml, etc.
  4. Edit Each File

    • Click on one of the azure-static-web-apps... files.
    • Click the pencil icon (✏️) or “Edit this file” button (top-right).
    • Search (Ctrl+F or Cmd+F) for the line:
      output_location: "" # Built app content directory - optional
    • Replace that line with:
      output_location: "/out" # Built app content directory - optional
  5. Commit Changes

    • Scroll to the bottom of the page.
    • In the “Commit changes” box, type a brief message (e.g., Update output_location to /out).
    • Make sure “Commit directly to the branch” is selected.
    • Click Commit changes.
  6. Repeat for All Matching Files

    • If multiple files start with azure-staticweb-apps, repeat steps 3–5 for each.

Are you getting the message that you must discard or make a pull request? Don't know Github or how PRs work?

Discard your changes and follow these instructions: then return to do above. Remember to change/correct the output location as it says in the instructions above :)

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