github HamletDuFromage/switch-cheats-db 2023-06-22

latest releases: 2025-02-20, 2025-02-15, 2025-02-12...
20 months ago

Last updated: 2023-06-22

Cheats updated:↷

010036F018AC8000 | Nuclear Blaze
010038E01A582000 | Vaccine Rebirth
01003A901A94E000 | 7 Horizons
010042F01686C000 | Terracotta
01006290179AC000 | Meg's Monster
010076B0101A0000 | YesterMorrow
01008A7018472000 | Bat Boy
0100A50018D38000 | Pulling no Punches
0100B1C019988000 | The Last Hero of Nostalgaia
0100F2C0115B6000 | The Legend of Zelda™: Tears of the Kingdom

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