github GoogleCloudPlatform/iap-desktop 2.44.1694

latest release: 2.45.1717
2 months ago

Release 2.44 introduces a number of SSH improvements:

  • New terminal: The SSH terminal is now based on the same component that powers the Windows Terminal. As a result of this change, the terminal now supports a range of additional xterm features, including mouse input and support for 256 colors.

  • Browse and transfer files: When you're connected to a Linux VM, you can now browse the VM's file system and transfer files by selecting Session > Transfer files. You can transfer files by using copy and paste or drag and drop in the same way you're used to from Windows File Explorer.

  • Group policies for SFTP: You can now use a group policy to control whether users in your organization are allowed to transfer files by using SFTP.

The release also includes these new features:

In addition, the release includes several stability improvements and fixes, including:

  • Metadata-based SSH keys that included excess whitespace could cause authentication to fail.
  • Under certain circumstances, the installer didn't detect the Windows version correctly and refused to execute. #1580.

A note to vim users: Because the SSH terminal now supports mouse input, coping text from vim might no longer work as before. To copy text from vim, use the set mouse=r option, or hold the Shift key while coping text.

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