github GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom GE-Proton7-6
GE-Proton7-6 Released

latest releases: GE-Proton9-20, GE-Proton9-19, GE-Proton9-18...
2 years ago

Wine-Staging is back! I rebased all of the patch sets from staging that did not cleanly apply and applied them on top of proton-experimental.

A detailed list surrounding staging patches can be found in /patches/ If it's in the -W list then reasoning is provided. If it's not in the -W list that means it applied cleanly without issues. Note that some patch sets in the -W list are applied manually because they do apply, just not without fuzz.

-wine-staging rebased and applied on top of proton-experimental (yes, all of it!)
-wine updated to latest proton-experimental
-dxvk updated to git
-vkd3d-proton updated to git
-protonfix added for SMITE to fix incorrect EAC library location (works now, yay)

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