github Freika/dawarich 0.22.0

latest releases: 0.24.2-rc2, 0.24.2-rc1, 0.24.2-rc...
pre-releaseone month ago

⚠️ This release introduces a breaking change. ⚠️

Please read this release notes carefully before upgrading.

Docker-related files were moved to the docker directory and some of them were renamed. Before upgrading, study carefully changes in the docker/docker-compose.yml file and update your docker-compose file accordingly, so it uses the new files and commands. Copying docker/docker-compose.yml blindly may lead to errors.

No volumes were removed or renamed, so with a proper docker-compose file, you should be able to upgrade without any issues.

To update existing docker-compose.yml to new changes, refer to the following:

    image: freikin/dawarich:latest
-    entrypoint:
-    command: ['bin/dev']
+    entrypoint:
+    command: ['bin/rails', 'server', '-p', '3000', '-b', '::']
    image: freikin/dawarich:latest
-    entrypoint:
-    command: ['bin/dev']
+    entrypoint:
+    command: ['bundle', 'exec', 'sidekiq']

Although docker-compose.production.yml was added, it's not being used by default. It's just an example of how to configure Dawarich for production. The default docker-compose.yml file is still recommended for running the app.


  • All docker-related files were moved to the docker directory.
  • Default memory limit for dawarich_app and dawarich_sidekiq services was increased to 4GB.
  • dawarich_app and dawarich_sidekiq services now use separate entrypoint scripts.
  • Gems (dependency libraries) are now being shipped as part of the Dawarich Docker image.


  • Visit suggesting job does nothing if user has no tracked points.
  • BulkStatsCalculationJob now being called without arguments in the data migration.


  • A proper production Dockerfile, docker-compose and env files.

💙 This release is supported by Steven B., James Manolios, chenrik, aldumil, Arne Schwarck, derpderpington, Chippie, dint, jhalpern, Lex Fradski, EurenikZ and Schlufo on Patreon 💙

What's Changed

  • Add production environment configuration by @Freika in #437

Full Changelog: 0.21.6...0.22.0

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