New features
- SQL SECURITY feature (CORE-5568)
- High-precision floating point datatype DECFLOAT (CORE-5525)
- Timeouts for running SQL statements and idle connections (CORE-5488)
- DEFAULT context value in INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE and UPDATE OR INSERT statements (CORE-5463)
- GENERATED ALWAYS identity columns and OVERRIDE clause (CORE-5449)
- Named windows (CORE-5346)
- Particular DBA privileges can be transferred to regular users (CORE-5343)
- Frames for window functions (CORE-3647)
- New built-in function to check whether some role is implicitly active (CORE-2762)
- Ability to grant role to another role (CORE-1815)
- More ANSI SQL:2003 window functions: PERCENK_RANK, CUME_DIST, NTILE (CORE-1688)
- Implicitly active roles (CORE-751)