github DOCGroup/ACE_TAO ACE+TAO-8_0_2

15 days ago

What's Changed

  • Removed ACE_make_checked_array_iterator that used deprecated stdext::checked_array_iterator
  • Embarcadero C++ Builder bcc64x compiler support has been updated to match the C++Builder 12.2 release
  • Added support for Linux platforms that use musl-libc instead of glibc
  • Improved QNX support
  • Add support for std::string_view to CDR classes
  • Define ACE_HAS_CPP23 when we have a C++23 capable C++ compiler

Full Changelog: ACE+TAO-8_0_1...ACE+TAO-8_0_2 and DOCGroup/MPC@ACE+TAO-8_0_1...ACE+TAO-8_0_2

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