github BoyceLig/Clash_Chinese_Patch 0.19.2(补充翻译)2
Clash for Windows v0.19.2(补充翻译)2汉化补丁

latest releases: 0.20.39, 0.20.38, 0.20.37...
3 years ago


Clash for Windows\resources\app.asar


"Are you sure to delete diff files?"="你确定要删除合并文件吗?"
"DNS Hijacks"="DNS 劫持"
"Use CFW Editor"="使用 CFW 编辑器"
#需要把前面 t.message= 开头的行以及 detail:i= 开头的行删除或者注释掉再添加如下翻译
#  注释掉 #'Type'='类型' 并添加 v("Type")=v("类型")
#  注释掉 #"Type"="类型" 并添加 v("Type")=v("类型")
t.t1.message=t.t1.message.replace("connectex: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network"," 尝试对无法访问的网络进行套接字操作").replace("all DNS requests failed, first error","所有DNS请求失败,第一个错误").replace("use default dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip","使用默认DNS解析失败:找不到IP").replace("A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.","连接尝试失败:因为被连接方在一段时间后没有正确回应,或者被连接的主机未响应。").replace("All collection items must start at the same column at line","所有集合项目必须从同一列开始,位于行").replace("connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it","出错:由于目标机主动拒绝连接,所以无法进行连接").replace("certificate has expired or is not yet valid","网站证书已过期或无效").replace("context deadline exceeded","连接超时").replace("unmarshal errors","解析错误").replace("cannot unmarshal","无法解析").replace("couldn't find ip","找不到 IP").replace("handshake timeout","握手超时").replace("bucket not found","未找到DNS存储桶").replace("no such host","域名未解析").replace("Invalid date","日期无效,请刷新页面").replace("lookup","查找").replace("into","到").replace("Get","获取").replace("dial","连接").replace(" line","位于行").replace("column ","列 ")
e._s(t.message)=e._s(t.message.replace("A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.","连接尝试失败:因为被连接方在一段时间后没有正确回应,或者被连接的主机未响应。").replace("Document contains trailing content not separated by a ... or --- line at","文件含有尾部未使用...或---的行").replace("All collection items must start at the same column at line","所有集合项目必须从同一列开始,位于行").replace("A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network","尝试对一个无法到达的网络进行套接字操作").replace("The system cannot find the file specified","系统找不到该配置文件").replace("Implicit map keys need to be on a single line at line","隐式映射键需要放在同一行上,位于行").replace("Cannot read property 'put' of null","无法读取为空的 'put' 的属性").replace("got unconvertible type","得到了不可转换的类型").replace("all DNS requests failed","所有DNS请求失败").replace("initial proxy provider","初始化代理集").replace("initial rule provider","初始化规则集").replace("cannot unmarshal","无法解析").replace("format invalid","格式无效").replace("Command failed","执行命令失败").replace("unmarshal errors","解析错误").replace("expected type","期望类型是").replace("bucket not found","未找到DNS存储桶").replace("context deadline exceeded","上下文超限").replace("couldn't find ip","找不到 IP ").replace("first error","首个错误").replace("error","出错").replace("Error","错误").replace("open","打开").replace("column","列").replace("into","到").replace("dial","拨号").replace("Get","获取"))
"invalid startIndexes or endIndexes size"="起始或结束索引大小无效"
"startLineNumber or endLineNumber must not exceed "="起始行号或结束行号不得超过 "
"A system error occurred ({0})"="发生了一个系统错误 ({0})"
"An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details."="发生了一个未知的错误。请查阅日志以了解更多细节."
"Command '{0}' resulted in an error ({1})"="命令 '{0}' 导致了一个错误 ({1})"
"Failed to open this link because its target is missing."="由于目录丢失而无法打开此链接."
"Failed to open this link because it is not well-formed: {0}"="由于格式不正确导致打开链接失败: {0}"
"An unknown error occurred while resolving rename location"="在解析重命名位置时发生了一个未知的错误"
"Rename failed to apply edits"="重命名失败,无法应用编辑"
"Successfully renamed '{0}' to '{1}'. Summary: {2}"="成功地将 '{0}' 重命名为 '{1}'. 摘要: {2}"
"Cannot register a disposable on itself!"="无法将自己注册为可销毁对象!"
"Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableStore that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!"="尝试添加一个可销毁对象到已销毁的 DisposableStore. 添加的对象将泄露!"
"Overall foreground color for error messages. This color is only used if not overridden by a component."="错误信息的整体前景色。这个颜色只在没有被组件覆盖的情况下使用。"
"Overall foreground color. This color is only used if not overridden by a component."="整体前景色。这个颜色只在没有被组件覆盖的情况下使用。"
"The default color for icons in the workbench."="工作台中的图标的默认颜色."
"Overall border color for focused elements. This color is only used if not overridden by a component."="焦点元素的整体边界颜色。这个颜色只在没有被组件覆盖的情况下使用。"
"An extra border around elements to separate them from others for greater contrast."="在元素周围有一个额外的边框,将它们与其他元素分开,以形成更大的对比。"
"An extra border around active elements to separate them from others for greater contrast."="在活动元素周围有一个额外的边框,将它们与其他元素分开,以形成更大的对比。"
"Foreground color for links in text."="文本中链接的前景色."
"Foreground color for links in text when clicked on and on mouse hover."="文本中的链接在点击和鼠标悬停时的前景色。"
"Background color for code blocks in text."="文本中代码块的背景色。"
"Shadow color of widgets such as find/replace inside the editor."="小工具的阴影颜色,如编辑器内的查找/替换."
"Input box background."="输入框背景."
"Input box foreground."="输入框前景."
"Input box border."="输入框边框."
"Border color of activated options in input fields."="输入字段中激活选项的边框颜色."
"Background color of activated options in input fields."="输入字段中激活的选项的背景色."
"Foreground color of activated options in input fields."="输入字段中激活选项的前景色."
"Input validation background color for information severity."="信息严重程度的输入验证背景色."
"Input validation foreground color for information severity."="信息严重程度的输入验证前景色."
"Input validation border color for information severity."="信息严重程度的输入验证边框颜色."
"Input validation background color for warning severity."="警告严重程度的输入验证背景色."
"Input validation foreground color for warning severity."="警告严重程度的输入验证前景色."
"Input validation border color for warning severity."="警告严重程度的输入验证边框颜色."
"Input validation background color for error severity."="错误严重程度的输入验证背景色."
"Input validation foreground color for error severity."="错误严重程度的输入验证前景色."
"Input validation border color for error severity."="错误严重程度的输入验证边框颜色."
"Dropdown background."="下拉式背景."
"Dropdown foreground."="下拉式前景."
"Button foreground color."="按钮前景色."
"Button background color."="按钮背景颜色."
"Button background color when hovering."="悬停时的按钮背景色."
"Badge background color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count."="徽章的背景色。徽章是小型信息标签,例如用于搜索结果计数."
"Badge foreground color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count."="徽章的前景色。徽章是小型信息标签,例如用于搜索结果计数."
"Scrollbar shadow to indicate that the view is scrolled."="滚动条阴影,表示视图已被滚动."
"Scrollbar slider background color."="滚动条滑块背景色."
"Scrollbar slider background color when hovering."="悬停时滚动条滑块的背景色."
"Scrollbar slider background color when clicked on."="点击时滚动条滑块的背景色."
"Background color of the progress bar that can show for long running operations."="进度条的背景色,可以显示长时间运行的操作."
"Background color of error text in the editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="编辑器中错误文本的背景色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Foreground color of error squigglies in the editor."="编辑器中错误方块字的前景色."
"Border color of error boxes in the editor."="编辑器中错误框的边框颜色."
"Background color of warning text in the editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="编辑器中警告文本的背景色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Foreground color of warning squigglies in the editor."="编辑器中警告方块字的前景色."
"Border color of warning boxes in the editor."="编辑器中警告框的边框颜色."
"Background color of info text in the editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="编辑器中信息文本的背景色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Foreground color of info squigglies in the editor."="编辑器中信息斜线的前景色."
"Border color of info boxes in the editor."="编辑器中信息框的边框颜色."
"Foreground color of hint squigglies in the editor."="编辑器中提示方块字的前景色."
"Border color of hint boxes in the editor."="编辑器中提示框的边框颜色."
"Editor background color."="编辑器的背景色."
"Editor default foreground color."="编辑器默认的前景色."
"Background color of editor widgets, such as find/replace."="编辑器部件的背景色,如查找/替换."
"Foreground color of editor widgets, such as find/replace."="编辑器部件的前景色,如查找/替换."
"Border color of editor widgets. The color is only used if the widget chooses to have a border and if the color is not overridden by a widget."="编辑器部件的边框颜色。该颜色只在小部件选择有边框,并且该颜色没有被小部件覆盖的情况下使用."
"Border color of the resize bar of editor widgets. The color is only used if the widget chooses to have a resize border and if the color is not overridden by a widget."="编辑器小部件的调整大小栏的边框颜色。该颜色只在小部件选择有一个调整大小的边框,并且该颜色没有被小部件覆盖的情况下使用."
"Quick picker background color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette."="快速挑选器的背景色。快速拾取器部件是拾取器的容器,如命令调色板."
"Quick picker foreground color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette."="快速挑选器的前景色。快速拾取器部件是拾取器的容器,如命令调色板."
"Quick picker title background color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette."="快速选取器标题的背景色。快速拾取器部件是拾取器的容器,如命令调色板."
"Quick picker color for grouping labels."="用于分组标签的快速挑选器颜色."
"Quick picker color for grouping borders."="分组边框的快速挑选器颜色."
"Keybinding label background color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."="键盘绑定标签的背景色。键盘绑定标签用于表示键盘快捷方式."
"Keybinding label foreground color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."="键盘绑定标签的前景色。键盘绑定标签用于表示键盘快捷方式."
"Keybinding label border color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."="键盘绑定标签的边框颜色。键盘绑定标签用于表示键盘快捷方式."
"Keybinding label border bottom color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."="键盘绑定标签边框底部颜色。键盘绑定标签用于表示键盘快捷方式."
"Color of the editor selection."="编辑器选择的颜色."
"Color of the selected text for high contrast."="高对比度的选定文本的颜色."
"Color of the selection in an inactive editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="非活动编辑器中的选区的颜色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Color for regions with the same content as the selection. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="与选择内容相同的区域的颜色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Border color for regions with the same content as the selection."="与选择内容相同的区域的边框颜色."
"Color of the current search match."="当前搜索匹配的颜色."
"Color of the other search matches. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="其他搜索匹配的颜色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Color of the range limiting the search. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="限制搜索的范围的颜色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Border color of the current search match."="当前搜索匹配的边框颜色."
"Border color of the other search matches."="其他搜索匹配的边框颜色."
"Border color of the range limiting the search. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="限制搜索的范围的边框颜色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Highlight below the word for which a hover is shown. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="在显示悬停的单词下面突出显示。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免隐藏底层装饰."
"Background color of the editor hover."="编辑器悬停的背景色."
"Foreground color of the editor hover."="编辑器悬停的前景色."
"Border color of the editor hover."="编辑器悬停的边框颜色."
"Background color of the editor hover status bar."="编辑器悬停状态栏的背景色."
"Color of active links."="活动链接的颜色."
"Foreground color of inline hints"="内联提示的前景色"
"Background color of inline hints"="内联提示的背景色"
"Foreground color of inline hints for types"="类型的内联提示的前景色"
"Background color of inline hints for types"="类型的内联提示的背景色"
"Foreground color of inline hints for parameters"="参数内联提示的前景色"
"Background color of inline hints for parameters"="参数内联提示的背景色"
"The color used for the lightbulb actions icon."="用于灯泡动作图标的颜色."
"The color used for the lightbulb auto fix actions icon."="灯泡自动修复行动图标使用的颜色."
"Background color for text that got inserted. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="被插入的文本的背景色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免掩盖底层装饰."
"Background color for text that got removed. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="被删除的文本的背景色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免掩盖底层装饰."
"Outline color for the text that got inserted."="被插入的文本的轮廓颜色."
"Outline color for text that got removed."="被删除的文本的轮廓颜色."
"Border color between the two text editors."="两个文本编辑器之间的边框颜色."
"Color of the diff editor's diagonal fill. The diagonal fill is used in side-by-side diff views."="差异编辑器的对角线填充的颜色。对角线填充用于并排的差异视图中."
"List/Tree background color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于活动状态时,焦点项目的背景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree foreground color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于活动状态时,列表/树的前景色为焦点项目。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree outline color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于活动状态时,重点项目的列表/树的轮廓颜色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于活动状态时,所选项目的列表/树的背景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于活动状态时,所选项目的前景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree icon foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于活动状态时,所选项目的列表/树图标前景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于非活动状态时,所选项目的列表/树背景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于非活动状态时,所选项目的前景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree icon foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于非活动状态时,所选项目的列表/树图标前景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree background color for the focused item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于非活动状态时,焦点项目的背景色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree outline color for the focused item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."="当列表/树处于非活动状态时,重点项目的列表/树轮廓颜色。激活的列表/树有键盘焦点,非激活的则没有."
"List/Tree background when hovering over items using the mouse."="使用鼠标悬停在项目上时,列表/树的背景."
"List/Tree foreground when hovering over items using the mouse."="使用鼠标悬停在项目上时,列表/树的前景."
"List/Tree drag and drop background when moving items around using the mouse."="使用鼠标移动项目时,列表/树的拖放背景."
"List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights when searching inside the list/tree."="在列表/树内搜索时,列表/树的匹配高亮的前景色."
"List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights on actively focused items when searching inside the list/tree."="在列表/树内搜索时,主动关注的项目上的匹配高光的列表/树前景色."
"Background color of the type filter widget in lists and trees."="列表和树中类型过滤器小部件的背景色."
"Outline color of the type filter widget in lists and trees."="列表和树中的类型过滤器部件的轮廓颜色."
"Outline color of the type filter widget in lists and trees, when there are no matches."="列表和树中的类型过滤器小部件的轮廓颜色,当没有匹配时."
"Tree stroke color for the indentation guides."="缩进指南的树形笔触颜色."
"Please use quickInputList.focusBackground instead"="请使用quickInputList.focusBackground代替"
"Quick picker foreground color for the focused item."="焦点项目的快速选取器前景色."
"Quick picker icon foreground color for the focused item."="焦点项目的快速选取器图标前景色."
"Quick picker background color for the focused item."="焦点项目的快速选取器背景色."
"Border color of menus."="菜单的边框颜色."
"Foreground color of menu items."="菜单项的前景色."
"Background color of menu items."="菜单项的背景色."
"Foreground color of the selected menu item in menus."="菜单中选定的菜单项的前景色."
"Background color of the selected menu item in menus."="菜单中选定的菜单项的背景色."
"Border color of the selected menu item in menus."="菜单中选定的菜单项的边框颜色."
"Color of a separator menu item in menus."="菜单中分隔条的颜色."
"Toolbar background when hovering over actions using the mouse"="使用鼠标悬停在行动上时的工具栏背景"
"Highlight background color of a snippet tabstop."="突出显示片段止挡的背景色."
"Highlight border color of a snippet tabstop."="突出显示片段止损点的边界颜色."
"Highlight background color of the final tabstop of a snippet."="突出显示一个片段的最后一个制表符的背景色."
"Highlight border color of the final tabstop of a snippet."="突出显示一个片段的最后一个制表符的边框颜色."
"Overview ruler marker color for find matches. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="概述标尺标记颜色,用于查找匹配。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免掩盖底层装饰."
"Overview ruler marker color for selection highlights. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."="概述用于选择高光的标尺标记颜色。该颜色不能是不透明的,以免掩盖底层装饰."
"Minimap marker color for find matches."="查找匹配的迷你地图标记颜色."
"Minimap marker color for repeating editor selections."="重复编辑选择的迷你地图标记颜色."
"Minimap marker color for the editor selection."="编辑器选择的迷你地图标记颜色."
"Minimap marker color for errors."="错误的迷你地图标记颜色."
"Minimap marker color for warnings."="警告的迷你地图标记颜色."
"Minimap background color."="迷你地图背景色."
'Opacity of foreground elements rendered in the minimap. For example, "='在最小地图中呈现的前景元素的不透明度。例如,"
" will render the elements with 75% opacity.'="将以75%的不透明度呈现这些元素.'
"Minimap slider background color."="迷你地图滑块的背景颜色."
"Minimap slider background color when hovering."="悬停时迷你地图滑块的背景颜色."
"Minimap slider background color when clicked on."="点击时的迷你地图滑块背景颜色."
"The color used for the problems error icon."="用于问题错误图标的颜色."
"The color used for the problems warning icon."="用于问题警告图标的颜色."
"The color used for the problems info icon."="用于问题信息图标的颜色."
"Whether the editor text has focus (cursor is blinking)"="编辑器文本是否有焦点(光标在闪烁)"
"Whether the editor or an editor widget has focus (e.g. focus is in the find widget)"="编辑器或一个编辑器小部件是否有焦点(例如,焦点在查找小部件)"
"Whether an editor or a rich text input has focus (cursor is blinking)"="一个编辑器或一个富文本输入是否有焦点(光标在闪烁)"
"Whether the editor is read only"="编辑器是否为只读"
"Whether the context is a diff editor"="上下文是否为差异编辑"
"Whether `editor.columnSelection` is enabled"="是否启用了`editor.columnSelection`"
"Whether the editor has text selected"="编辑器是否有文本被选中"
"Whether the editor has multiple selections"="编辑器是否有多个选择"
"Whether `Tab` will move focus out of the editor"="`Tab`是否会将焦点移出编辑器"
"Whether the editor hover is visible"="编辑器的悬停是否可见"
"Whether the editor is part of a larger editor (e.g. notebooks)"="编辑器是否是更大的编辑器的一部分(例如,笔记本)"
"The language identifier of the editor"="编辑器的语言标识符"
"Whether the editor has a completion item provider"="编辑器是否有完成项目的提供者"
"Whether the editor has a code actions provider"="编辑器是否有一个代码动作提供者"
"Whether the editor has a code lens provider"="编辑器是否有一个代码透镜提供者"
"Whether the editor has a definition provider"="编辑是否有一个定义提供者"
"Whether the editor has a declaration provider"="编辑是否有一个声明提供者"
"Whether the editor has an implementation provider"="编辑器是否有一个执行提供者"
"Whether the editor has a type definition provider"="编辑器是否有一个类型定义提供者"
"Whether the editor has a hover provider"="编辑器是否有一个悬停提供者"
"Whether the editor has a document highlight provider"="编辑器是否有文件高亮的提供者"
"Whether the editor has a document symbol provider"="编辑器是否有一个文件符号提供者"
"Whether the editor has a reference provider"="编辑是否有参考资料提供者"
"Whether the editor has a rename provider"="编辑器是否有一个重命名提供者"
"Whether the editor has a signature help provider"="编辑是否有签名帮助提供者"
"Whether the editor has an inline hints provider"="编辑器是否有一个内联的提示提供者"
"Whether the editor has a document formatting provider"="编辑器是否有一个文档格式化的提供者"
"Whether the editor has a document selection formatting provider"="编辑器是否有一个文档选择格式化的提供者"
"Whether the editor has multiple document formatting providers"="编辑器是否有多个文档格式化提供者"
"Whether the editor has multiple document selection formatting providers"="编辑器是否有多个文档选择格式的提供者"
"Invalid color ctor argument"="无效颜色参数"
"Color needs a value"="颜色需要一个值"
"Unable to resolve platform."="未识别系统平台."
"Assertion Failed: argument is undefined or null"="断言失败:参数未定义或为空"
"argument does not match constraint: typeof "="参数不符合约束条件: typeof "
"argument does not match one of these constraints: arg instanceof constraint="参数不符合这些约束之一: arg instanceof constraint
can only be used to decorate a parameter"=只能用于装饰一个参数"
"Invalid tail call"="无效的尾部调用"
"invalid index"="无效的索引"
"Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on commit characters. For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`;`) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character."="控制是否应该接受对提交字符的建议。例如,在JavaScript中,分号(`;`)可以是一个接受建议的提交字符,并输入该字符"
"Only accept a suggestion with `Enter` when it makes a textual change."="只有在对文本进行修改时,才接受带有 `Enter` 的建议."
"Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on `Enter`, in addition to `Tab`. Helps to avoid ambiguity between inserting new lines or accepting suggestions."="控制除了`Tab`之外,是否应该在`Enter`时接受建议。有助于避免在插入新行或接受建议之间产生歧义."
"The editor will use platform APIs to detect when a Screen Reader is attached."="编辑器将使用平台API来检测屏幕阅读器是否被连接."
"The editor will be permanently optimized for usage with a Screen Reader. Word wrapping will be disabled."="编辑器将被永久地优化,以便使用屏幕阅读器。文字包装将被禁用."
"The editor will never be optimized for usage with a Screen Reader."="编辑器永远不会为使用屏幕阅读器进行优化."
"Controls whether the editor should run in a mode where it is optimized for screen readers. Setting to on will disable word wrapping."="控制编辑器是否应该在为屏幕阅读器优化的模式下运行。设置为 on 将禁用文字包装."
"Controls the number of lines in the editor that can be read out by a screen reader at once. When we detect a screen reader we automatically set the default to be 500. Warning: this has a performance implication for numbers larger than the default."="控制编辑器中可被屏幕阅读器一次性读出的行数。当我们检测到一个屏幕阅读器时,我们会自动将默认值设置为500。警告:这对大于默认值的数字有性能影响."
"Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose brackets."="使用语言配置来决定何时自动关闭括号."
"Autoclose brackets only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace."="只在光标位于空白处的左侧时自动关闭括号."
"Controls whether the editor should automatically close brackets after the user adds an opening bracket."="控制编辑器是否应该在用户添加开括号后自动关闭括号."
"Remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets only if they were automatically inserted."="只有在相邻的闭合引号或方括号自动插入的情况下,才能删除它们."
"Controls whether the editor should remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets when deleting."="控制编辑器在删除时是否应删除相邻的闭合引号或括号."
"Type over closing quotes or brackets only if they were automatically inserted."="只有在自动插入闭合引号或方括号的情况下,才可以在它们上面打字."
"Controls whether the editor should type over closing quotes or brackets."="控制编辑器是否应该在闭合引号或方括号上打字."
"Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose quotes."="使用语言配置来确定何时自动关闭报价."
"Autoclose quotes only when the cursor is to the left of whitespace."="只在光标位于空白处的左侧时自动关闭引号."
"Controls whether the editor should automatically close quotes after the user adds an opening quote."="控制编辑器是否应该在用户添加开场白后自动关闭引号."
"The editor will not insert indentation automatically."="编辑器不会自动插入缩进."
"The editor will keep the current line's indentation."="编辑器将保持当前行的缩进."
"The editor will keep the current line's indentation and honor language defined brackets."="编辑器将保持当前行的缩进并尊重语言定义的括号."
"The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets and invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages."="编辑器将保持当前行的缩进,尊重语言定义的括号,并调用语言定义的特殊onEnterRules."
"The editor will keep the current line's indentation, honor language defined brackets, invoke special onEnterRules defined by languages, and honor indentationRules defined by languages."="编辑器将保持当前行的缩进,尊重语言定义的括号,调用语言定义的特殊onEnterRules,并尊重语言定义的缩进规则."
"Controls whether the editor should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines."="控制当用户输入、粘贴、移动或缩进行时,编辑器是否应自动调整缩进."
"Use language configurations to determine when to automatically surround selections."="使用语言配置来确定何时自动环绕选择."
"Surround with quotes but not brackets."="用引号包围,但不要用方括号."
"Surround with brackets but not quotes."="用括号包围,但不是引号."
"Controls whether the editor should automatically surround selections when typing quotes or brackets."="控制编辑器在输入引号或括号时是否应自动环绕选择."
"Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not. Use 'workbench.colorCustomizations' to override the bracket highlight colors."="控制是否启用括号对着色。使用 'workbench.colorCustomizations' 来覆盖括号的高亮颜色."
"Enables bracket pair guides."="启用支架配对指南."
"Enables bracket pair guides only for the active bracket pair."="只为活动的支架对启用支架对指南."
"Disables bracket pair guides."="禁用支架配对指南."
"Controls whether bracket pair guides are enabled or not."="控制是否启用托架对指南."
"Enables horizontal guides as addition to vertical bracket pair guides."="启用水平导引,作为垂直托架对导引的补充."
"Enables horizontal guides only for the active bracket pair."="仅对活动支架对启用水平导向."
"Disables horizontal bracket pair guides."="禁用水平托架对导板."
"Controls whether horizontal bracket pair guides are enabled or not."="控制是否启用水平托架对导板."
"Controls whether bracket pair guides are enabled or not."="控制是否启用托架对指南."
"Controls whether the editor should render indent guides."="控制编辑器是否应该呈现缩进指南."
"Controls whether the editor should highlight the active indent guide."="控制编辑器是否应突出显示活动缩进指南."
"Emulate selection behavior of tab characters when using spaces for indentation. Selection will stick to tab stops."="当使用空格缩进时,模仿制表符的选择行为。选择将坚持到制表符的位置."
"Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens."="控制编辑器是否显示CodeLens."
"Controls the font family for CodeLens."="控制CodeLens的字体系列."
"Controls the font size in pixels for CodeLens. When set to `0`, the 90% of="控制CodeLens的字体大小(像素)。当设置为 `0`, 使用
` is used."=` 的 90%."
"Controls whether the editor should render the inline color decorators and color picker."="控制编辑器是否应该渲染内联颜色装饰器和颜色选择器."
"Enable that the selection with the mouse and keys is doing column selection."="使用鼠标和按键的选择能够做列选择."
"Controls whether a space character is inserted when commenting."="控制注释时是否插入空格字符."
"Controls if empty lines should be ignored with toggle, add or remove actions for line comments."="控制是否应该用切换、添加或删除行注释的动作来忽略空行."
"Controls whether syntax highlighting should be copied into the clipboard."="控制是否应将语法高亮复制到剪贴板中."
"Control the cursor animation style."="控制光标的动画风格."
"Controls whether the smooth caret animation should be enabled."="控制是否应启用平滑光标动画."
"Controls the cursor style."="控制光标样式."
"Controls the minimal number of visible leading and trailing lines surrounding the cursor. Known as 'scrollOff' or 'scrollOffset' in some other editors."="控制光标周围可见的前导线和后导线的最小数量。在其他一些编辑器中被称为 'scrollOff' 或 'scrollOffset'."
"`cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced only when triggered via the keyboard or API."="`cursorSurroundingLines` 仅在通过键盘或API触发时执行."
"`cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced always."="`cursorSurroundingLines` 总是被强制执行."
"Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced."="控制何时执行 `cursorSurroundingLines`."
"Controls the width of the cursor when `="当 `
` is set to `line`."=` 被设置为 `line` 时,控制光标的宽度."
"Controls whether the editor should allow moving selections via drag and drop."="控制编辑器是否应允许通过拖放移动选择."
"Controls whether copying without a selection copies the current line."="控制没有选择的复制是否会复制当前行."
"Scrolling speed multiplier when pressing `Alt`."="按 `Alt` 时的滚动速度倍增."
"Controls whether the cursor should jump to find matches while typing."="控制光标是否应在打字时跳动以寻找匹配."
"Never seed search string from the editor selection."="永远不要从编辑器选择的种子搜索字符串."
"Always seed search string from the editor selection, including word at cursor position."="总是从编辑器选择的种子搜索字符串,包括光标位置的单词."
"Only seed search string from the editor selection."="只从编辑器选择的种子搜索字符串."
"Controls whether the search string in the Find Widget is seeded from the editor selection."="控制查找小工具中的搜索字符串是否从编辑器的选择中播种."
"Never turn on Find in Selection automatically (default)."="从不自动打开在选择中查找(默认)."
"Always turn on Find in Selection automatically."="总是自动打开在选择中查找."
"Turn on Find in Selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected."="当选择了多行内容时,自动打开在选择中查找."
"Controls the condition for turning on Find in Selection automatically."="控制自动打开在选择中查找的条件."
"Controls whether the Find Widget should read or modify the shared find clipboard on macOS."="控制查找小工具是否应该读取或修改macOS上的共享查找剪贴板."
"Controls whether the Find Widget should add extra lines on top of the editor. When true, you can scroll beyond the first line when the Find Widget is visible."="控制查找小工具是否应该在编辑器的顶部添加额外的行。当为真时,当查找小工具可见时,你可以滚动到第一行以外."
"Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found."="控制在找不到进一步的匹配时,搜索是否自动从头(或尾)开始."
"Controls whether the editor has code folding enabled."="控制编辑器是否启用了代码折叠."
"Use a language-specific folding strategy if available, else the indentation-based one."="如果有的话,使用特定语言的折叠策略,否则使用基于缩进的策略."
"Use the indentation-based folding strategy."="使用基于缩进的折叠策略."
"Controls the strategy for computing folding ranges."="控制计算折叠范围的策略."
"Controls whether the editor should highlight folded ranges."="控制编辑器是否应突出显示折叠的范围."
"Controls whether the editor automatically collapses import ranges."="控制编辑器是否自动折叠进口范围."
"Controls whether clicking on the empty content after a folded line will unfold the line."="控制点击折叠行后的空内容是否会展开该行."
"Controls the font family."="控制字体."
"Controls the font size in pixels."="控制字体大小,以像素为单位."
"Controls whether the editor should automatically format the pasted content. A formatter must be available and the formatter should be able to format a range in a document."="控制编辑器是否应该自动格式化粘贴的内容。必须有一个格式化器,格式化器应该能够对文档中的某个范围进行格式化."
"Controls whether the editor should automatically format the line after typing."="控制编辑器是否应在输入后自动格式化该行."
"Controls whether the editor should render the vertical glyph margin. Glyph margin is mostly used for debugging."="控制编辑器是否应该呈现垂直的字形边距。字形边距主要用于调试."
"Show peek view of the results (default)"="显示结果的偷看视图(默认)"
"Go to the primary result and show a peek view"="转到主要结果,显示偷看视图"
"Go to the primary result and enable peek-less navigation to others"="转到主要结果,并启用无窥视导航到其他"
"This setting is deprecated, please use separate settings like 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions' or 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations' instead."="此设置已被废弃,请使用单独的设置,如 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions' 或 'editor.editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations' 代替."
"Controls the behavior the 'Go to Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist."="当存在多个目标位置时,控制 '转到定义'-命令的行为."
"Controls the behavior the 'Go to Type Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist."="存在多个目标位置时,控制 '转到类型定义'-命令的行为."
"Controls the behavior the 'Go to Declaration'-command when multiple target locations exist."="当存在多个目标地点时,控制 '转到声明'-命令的行为."
"Controls the behavior the 'Go to Implementations'-command when multiple target locations exist."="当存在多个目标位置时,控制 '转到实现'-命令的行为."
"Controls the behavior the 'Go to References'-command when multiple target locations exist."="当存在多个目标位置时,控制 '转到引用'-命令的行为."
"Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Definition' is the current location."="当 '转到定义' 的结果是当前位置时,正在执行的替代命令ID."
"Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Type Definition' is the current location."="当 '转到类型定义' 的结果为当前位置时,正在执行的替代命令ID."
"Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Declaration' is the current location."="当 '转到声明' 的结果是当前位置时,正在执行的替代命令ID."
"Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Implementation' is the current location."="当 '转到实现' 的结果是当前位置时,正在执行的替代命令ID."
"Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Reference' is the current location."="当 '转到参考' 的结果是当前位置时,正在执行的替代命令ID."
"Controls whether the cursor should be hidden in the overview ruler."="控制光标是否应在概览标尺中被隐藏."
"Controls whether the hover is shown."="控制是否显示悬停."
"Controls the delay in milliseconds after which the hover is shown."="控制以毫秒为单位的延迟,之后显示悬停."
"Controls whether the hover should remain visible when mouse is moved over it."="控制当鼠标移到悬停处时是否应保持可见."
"Prefer showing hovers above the line, if there's space."="如果有空间的话,更倾向于展示徘徊在线以上."
"Controls the letter spacing in pixels."="控制以像素为单位的字母间距."
"Enables the code action lightbulb in the editor."="启用编辑器中的代码动作灯泡."
"Controls the line height. \n - Use 0 to automatically compute the line height from the font size.\n - Values between 0 and 8 will be used as a multiplier with the font size.\n - Values greater than or equal to 8 will be used as effective values."="控制行高. \n - 使用 0 可以从字体大小自动计算行高.\n - 0到8之间的值将被用作与字体大小的乘数.\n - 大于或等于8的值将作为有效值使用."
"Line numbers are not rendered."="不呈现行号。"
"Line numbers are rendered as absolute number."="行号呈现为绝对数字。"
"Line numbers are rendered as distance in lines to cursor position."="行号呈现为行距光标位置的距离。"
"Line numbers are rendered every 10 lines."="每 10 行渲染一次行号。"
"Controls the display of line numbers."="控制行号显示。"








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