- UP to 122 version!
- UNLOCKED WebGPU on Windows 7 (!!!!!!!). DirectX 11 FULL support. Disabled D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_SHARED_NTHANDLE flag and DirectX 11 shared handle create.
- Use
service tab for control browser GPU process errors and warning for you gpu video-adapter (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel);
- Use
- SANDBOX is worked.
- Some improvements in API-MS kernel64 bridged dll
- x64/x86 versions.
- (WARNING!) x64 version is affected
VirtualAlloc RESERVED
bug #17. If you have Windows 7 x64 and >= 4 Gb of RAM - please, use x86 on this time.
For modern Chrome interface after 109 version - drop the browser settings to default and (optional!) remove%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\