github Azure/azure-powershell AzureStackv1.7.0-February2019
AzureStack 1.7.0

latest releases: Az.Network-v7.7.1-preview, Az.Network-v7.7.0-preview, Az.MySql-v1.2.0...
5 years ago

AzureStack 1.7.0

Gallery Module for AzureStack Administration cmdlets: link

To install AzureStack from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name AzureStack -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name AzureStack

AzureRM 2.4.0

Gallery Module for Azure and AzureStack Client modules for AzureRM: link

To install AzureRM 2.4.0 from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name AzureRM -RequiredVersion 2.4.0 -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name AzureStack -RequiredVersion 2.4.0

Release Notes



  • Bug fix in Get-AzureRmResource to query case insensitively by resource type


  • AzureRm rollup module now includes the already published version 4.5.0 supporting the api-version 2017-07-29


  • AzureRm rollup module now includes the already published version 5.0.4 supporting the api-version 2017-10-01


  • Added simple parameter sets in New-AzureRMVM and NewAzureRMVMSS, -ImageName parameter supports specifying user images.


  • AzureRm rollup module now includes the already published version 5.1.5 supporting the api-version 2018-01-01 for metrics/metric definitions resource types


  • Supported with 1901 update
  • This a breaking change release. For details on the breaking changes, refer to The Migration Guide

Azs.Backup.Admin Module

  • Breaking change: Backup changes to cert-based encryption mode. Support for symmetric keys is deprecated.

Azs.Fabric.Admin Module

  • Deprecation
    • Get-AzsInfrastructureVolume has been deprecated, we provide new cmdlet Get-AzsVolume
    • Get-AzsStorageSystem has been deprecated, we provide new cmdlet Get-AzsStorageSubSystem
    • Get-AzsStoragePool has been deprecated, the StorageSubSystem object has the capacity property

Azs.Compute.Admin Module

  • BugFix: Add-AzsPlatformImage, Get-AzsPlatformImage : Calling ConvertTo-PlatformImageObject only in the success path
  • BugFix: Add-AzsVmExtension, Get-AzsVmExtension : Calling ConvertTo-VmExtensionObject only in the success path

Azs.Storage.Admin Module

  • Bug fix - New Storage Quota uses defaults if none provided.

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