- Fixed drills not prioritizing correct items
- Fixed Impact Reactor displaying fluctuating and incorrect power values
- Fixed unplaceable blocks showing up as unbreakable schematics on servers
- Fixed kick messages and map author messages displaying as a garbled mess [Server]
- Fixed player teams being reset to blue after map reset in PvP
- ""Fixed"" ground units spinning around
- """Fixed""" a """"""bug""""" where the entire game would do very specific things and flash very specific colors when you opened a very specific menu under very specific conditions that were introduced on a very specific day
- Absolutely did not fix the flipped wave button bug
- Optimized all crafter block item and liquid processing
- Optimized unit collisions
- Implemented proper damage propagation - walls now contain explosions
- Buffed Differential Generator, Impact Reactor, Batteries, Mender
- PvP balancing: cheaper and more powerful units, weaker players, higher spawn cap
- Shuffled around tech tree
- Better stats for all blocks in general
- Made launch button be more flashy and obnoxious
- Made back button hide the application when in main menu [Android]
- Added stats for item consumption speed, all inputs and output for crafters
- Added minimap (prepare for the flipping)
- Added full-screen map view
- Added pixelation option (yes, stop bothering me about it now)
- Added new rule modifiers
- Added option for shield shaders, disabled by default on mobile
- Added full map screenshot button (again) [Desktop]
- Removed microtransaction permission and donations dialog
- Moved donations directly to itch.io
- The great FPS counter migration continues