github Adyen/adyen-android 5.9.0

latest release: 5.9.1
one month ago


  • Simplified integration for Google Pay:

    • The Component now includes the Google Pay button, and you no longer have to display the button with your own configuration.
    • The Component now does the availability check on initialization.
    • The deprecated onActivityResult is no longer needed.

    See the migration guide to learn about the changes you have to make to your integration to support Google Pay on this version.

  • Drop-in now shows a toolbar on more intermediary screens to let shoppers navigate back easily.



  • The styles and strings for the Cash App Pay loading indicator. Use the new styles and strings instead.
    Previous Now
    AdyenCheckout.CashAppPay.ProgressBar AdyenCheckout.ProcessingPaymentView.ProgressBar
    AdyenCheckout.CashAppPay.WaitingDescriptionTextView AdyenCheckout.ProcessingPaymentView.WaitingDescriptionTextView
    cash_app_pay_waiting_text checkout_processing_payment

Repository Maintenance

  • We are changing the default branch of our SDK repository from develop to main. If you are using our SDK repository and are working with the develop branch, we recommend switching to the main branch. The develop branch will be removed within the next few weeks.

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