cpan PPI 1.219_001

latest releases: 1.281, 1.280, 1.279...
pre-release10 years ago

  • incompatible behavior fixes on PPI::Statement::Sub->prototype
  • improved parsing of various syntax elements
  • code quality improvements


  • {} is now recognized as anonymous hash constructor instead of a code
    block after these operators: &&= //= || && // ? :
    (GitHub #36) (MOREGAN)
  • regex capture variables greater than $9 are now parsed completely,
    instead of being parsed as single digit captures with numbers after
    them (GitHub #38) (MOREGAN)
  • DESTROY and AUTOLOAD subs are now parsed even without the sub
    keyword (GitHub #39) (MOREGAN)
  • PPI::Statement::Sub->prototype behavior now matches its
    documentation, instead of returning the prototype string
    unchanged and still including the parens (GitHub #56) (MOREGAN)
  • PPI::Statement::Sub->prototype now returns undef on subs without a
    prototype, instead of returning an empty string
    (GitHub #56) (MOREGAN)
  • list of keywords which are not parsed as packages when followed by
    the Perl4 package separator ' has been increased
    (GitHub #77) (MOREGAN)
  • application of a number of Perl::Critic policies and documentation
    fixes (GitHub #53) (MOREGAN, MITHALDU)
  • automation of generation for git (GitHub #86) (COWENS)

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