Experimental support for TAP::Harness with --use-tap-harness option
and the tap_harness_args property. [David Wheeler & Eric Wilhelm]Added test_file_exts property for main-run tests other than '*.t'.
[David Wheeler]Fixed getcwd()/rmtree() failure case on 5.10+mac where something is
unhappy about all of the tests deleting their distgen directory
before leaving it. [Eric Wilhelm & David Wheeler]Improved support for parsing qv() in modules' $VERSION
declarations, and made $VERSION-parsing errors more verbose. [Jos
Boumans]Integrated an omnibus patch for various VMS fixes. [Craig Berry &
John E. Malmberg]Some versions of Test::Harness (or something) seem to not be
stripping the ".t" suffix when outputting test reports, which was
causing one of our tests in t/compat.t to fail. Fixed. [Spotted by
a smoke tester]Most Unix platforms seem to allow hyphens in usernames, so we honor
this in our de-tilde-fying methods now. [Spotted by s-murata]If there are multiple assignments to the $VERSION variable in
someone's module and this generates warnings, tell the user what
line number the problem is at.Added 'gnu' and 'gnukfreebsd' as Unix variants. [Niko Tyni]
Fixed a couple bugs in how we quote arguments to external processes
when they have to pass through the shell. Also much more
thoroughly tested our quoting now.Edited the Module::Build::API docs prose about the 'license' field
in response to some comments on the module-authors mailing list.Fixed a typo in some example code in the Cookbook. [Jeremy Leader]
Custom typemaps were being looked for in places that don't quite
exist; fixed. [Michael G Schwern]QNX/Neutrino is now considered to be Unix. [rt.cpan.org 32214]
Added 'gpl2' and 'gpl3' to the list of valid licenses. [Allen
Engelhardt]Fixed our Data::Dumper wrapper's sensitivity to users who might set
$Data::Dumper::Terse. [Spotted by Dominique Dumont]Documented the fix_shebang_line() method. [Elliot Shank]
Applied the 'const' modifier to version() and xs_version() XS
functions we use during testing. [Robin Barker]Fixed processing of INC=, POLLUTE=, INSTALLDIRS=, and LIB= for
passthrough/small Makefile.PLs.perl Build.PL --sign=1 now signs. [Michael G Schwern]
Fixed processing of INSTALLDIRS=whatever for compatibility
Makefiles. [Spotted by John Peacock]Zillions of special-cases have been added in Compat.pm for dealing
with the special Makefile system on VMS. [John E. Malmberg]Fixed some stuff in how VMS command-args get quoted. [John E. Malmberg]
VMS now overrides localize_file_path() and localize_dir_path() so
we don't need to do special stuff in the general case. [John
E. Malmberg]Added a few more VMS-specific entries to the default MANIFEST.SKIP
file that (sometimes) gets created during the 'manifest'
action. [John E. Malmberg]Fixed a catdir() that should have been a catfile() when creating a
ppmdist. [John E. Malmberg]Removed some assumptions about what makefiles are called (not
necessarily "Makefile") and how they take their arguments, to get
VMS tests working better. [John E. Malmberg]Fixed our check for Archive::Tar in the t/runthrough.t test, which
fixes a common failure on Win32. [Spotted by Chris Williams]Fixed a File::Spec mal-ism in t/destinations.t [Craig A. Berry]
Exposed the internal ExtUtils::CBuilder object as part of our API,
via the cbuilder() method. [Zefram]Upgraded to version.pm 0.74 (fixes bug #30004.)
Overwrite core (post-5.9.4) Module::Build installs (bug #20528.)
Pass quiet() option to ExtUtils::CBuilder object.