npm @next/bundle-analyzer 11.0.1-canary.3

latest releases: 13.5.6-canary.1, 13.5.6-canary.0, 13.5.5...
3 years ago

Core Changes

  • Fix next/image noscript src path with loaders: #24011
  • Fix long URLs causing 400s with dynamic routes/rewrites: #26221
  • Ensure has query encoding is normalized: #25732

Documentation Changes

  • Doc "no-sync-scripts" remove experimental notice: #26225
  • Correct the word "remove": #26258
  • Update next/script docs to clear up confusion around next/head and client-side JS: #26253
  • docs: remove duplicated --ts, --typescript from Options: #26252
  • Correct Next.js 9 upgrade instructions: #26271

Example Changes

  • Add cms-drupal example: #25198
  • Fix: upgrade react-test-renderer version to 17.0.2: #26229
  • Update postcss version in examples: #26226
  • Update with-supertokens example: #26266
  • Updating Typescript to recommended minimum 4.3.2: #26267
  • (examples/with-lingui): update example: #26076
  • Examples: Fixed the example path to correct value: #26255


Huge thanks to @valse, @arshad, @Silinde87, @Vadorequest, @tim-hanssen, @ducdev, @timneutkens, @rishabhpoddar, @LEvinson2504, @akellbl4, @schemburkar, @greatSumini, and @giraffesyo for helping!

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