Release Notes
A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also fixes several issues related to ICA-AROMA, and a long list of miscellaneous improvements.
- [MAINT] fmriprep-docker: Ensure data/output/work paths are absolute (#1089)
- [ENH] Add usage tracking and centralized error reporting (#1088)
- [FIX] Ensure one motion IC index is loaded as list (#1096)
- [TST] Refactoring CircleCI setup (#1098)
- [FIX] Compression in DataSinks (#1095)
- [MAINT] fmriprep-docker: Support Python 2/3 without future or other helpers (#1082)
- [MAINT] Update npm to 10.x (#1087)
- [DOC] Prefer pre-print over Zenodo doi in boilerplate (#1086)
- [DOC] Stylistic fix (`'template'`) (#1083)
- [FIX] Run ICA-AROMA in
2mm resampling grid (91x109x91 vox) (#1064) - [MAINT] Remove cwebp to revert to png (#1081)
- [ENH] Allow changing the dimensionality of Melodic for AROMA. (#1052)
- [FIX] Derivatives datasink handling of compression (#1077)
- [FIX] Check for invalid sform matrices (#1072)
- [FIX] Check exit code from subprocess (#1073)
- [DOC] Add preprint fig. 1 to About (#1070)
- [FIX] Always strip session from T1w for derivative naming (#1071)
- [DOC] Add RRIDs in the citation boilerplate (#1061)
- [ENH] Generate CIFTI derivatives (#1001)