github PragmaticFlow/NBomber v4.0.0-beta7
NBomber v4.0.0-beta7

latest releases: v5.8.1, v5.8.0, v5.7.0...
24 months ago

NBomber v4.0.0-beta7

A new LoadSimulation definition:

type LoadSimulation =
    | RampingConstant of copies:int * during:TimeSpan
    | KeepConstant    of copies:int * during:TimeSpan
    | RampingInject   of rate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan    
    | Inject          of rate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan
    | InjectRandom    of minRate:int * maxRate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan
    | Pause           of during:TimeSpan

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