cpan Module-Build 0.24

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
20 years ago
  • Fixed a problem with incude_dirs not being propagated to the 'ccs'
    file when compiling XS files on Win32. [Randy Sims and Steve Hay]

  • In 0.23, Module::Build::Compat->fake_makefile() started choking
    when no 'build_class' parameter was supplied in the Makefile.PL.
    Since these Makefile.PLs still exist on CPAN, we now default
    'build_class' to 'Module::Build', which was the old 0.22 behavior
    anyway. [Reported by Martin Titz and Jeremy Seitz]

  • Added documentation for the 'include_dirs' parameter to
    new(). [Steve Hay]

  • Changed the no-op command on Win32 from 'rem' to 'rem>nul' inside
    pass-through Makefiles. [Randy Sims]

  • The 'autosplit' parameter now accepts an array reference if
    multiple files should be split. [Jaap Karssenberg]

  • find_perl_interpreter() will now use $^X (if absolute), $ENV{PATH}
    (if $^X isn't absolute), and $Config{perlpath}, in that order.
    Also, we now make darn sure the result is the same version of perl,
    by checking Config::myconfig() for a match against the current
    perl. [Reported by Edward Sabol]

  • Fixed a fatal error on Win32 (and any other platform that doesn't
    define an installation location for Unix-style man pages) during

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