Pothos (formerly GiraphQL) is a plugin based schema builder for creating code-first GraphQL schemas in typescript
Best Data Grid for Angular with Spreadsheet Look and Feel.
The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
sitespeed.io is an open-source tool for comprehensive web performance analysis, enabling you to test, monitor, and optimize your website’s speed using real browsers in various environments.
Elegant terminal spinner
A batteries-included SQL query & schema builder for PostgresSQL, MySQL, CockroachDB, MSSQL and SQLite3
Middleware for handling multipart/form-data
Cache Manager for Node.js
High-level javascript interface for Trezor hardware wallet.
Google APIs Authentication Client Library for Node.js
Fast 3kb React-compatible Virtual DOM library.
Create an SAPUI5 application using SAP Fiori elements or a freestyle approach