💻☁📦 The Nextcloud VM (virtual machine appliance), Home/SME Server and scripts for RPi (4-5). Community developed and maintained.
Programs to keep Docker login credentials safe by storing in platform keystores
Render your Android screens without a physical device or emulator
High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
Spring Boot Dashboard for VS Code
JavaScript animation engine
Repository containing documentation about MicroBlink PhotoPay product
The official Rosetta server implementation for the Oasis Network.
Zephyr SDK (Toolchains, Development Tools)
High level asynchronous concurrency and networking framework that works on top of either trio or asyncio
Apache Maven Enforcer (Plugin)
Obsidian Plugin for viewing the number of elements under each folder within the file explorer
A lightweight utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent.
:octocat: Automatically commit changes made in your workflow run directly to your repo
Music tagger for Windows, MacOS and Linux with Beatport, Discogs, Musicbrainz, Spotify, Traxsource and many other platforms support.
An asynchronous Redis client for Rust