Watches a folder and converts multi-file mp3 books into a chapterized m4b.
Reflector - Kubernetes addon for resource mirroring across namespaces.
Build, ship and run secure software with Chainguard's low-to-zero CVE container images.
Aims to enable a no-nonsense WebDAV docker system on the latest available nginx mainline. Magic incl
Run a search node in Presearch's decentralized search engine at
Docker container for the Synthetics private location worker
Auto-trigger docker build for kubernetes helm when new release is announced
Ticket shop application for conferences, festivals, concerts, tech events, shows, workshops, etc.
Bridge Mattermost, IRC, XMPP, Gitter, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Rocket.Chat, Hipchat, Matrix, Steam
Docker image for Radicale calendar and contact Server, +security, +volume, +init
A speed test analysis software that shows your internet speed for up to 30 days