yarn webpack 5.97.0

latest release: 5.97.1
18 days ago

Bug Fixes

  • Don't crash with filesystem cache and unknown scheme
  • Generate a valid code when output.iife is true and output.library.type is umd
  • Fixed conflict variable name with concatenate modules and runtime code
  • Merge duplicate chunks before
  • Collisions in ESM library
  • Use recursive search for versions of shared dependencies
  • [WASM] Don't crash WebAssembly with Reference Types (sync and async)
  • [WASM] Fixed wasm loading for sync and async webassembly
  • [CSS] Don't add [uniqueName] to localIdentName when it is empty
  • [CSS] Parsing strings on Windows
  • [CSS] Fixed CSS local escaping

New Features

  • Added support for injecting debug IDs
  • Export the MergeDuplicateChunks plugin
  • Added universal loading for JS chunks and JS worker chunks (only ES modules)
  • [WASM] Added universal loading for WebAssembly chunks (only for async WebAssembly)
  • [CSS] Allow initial CSS chunks to be placed anywhere - the output.cssHeadDataCompression option was deleted
  • [CSS] Added universal loading for CSS chunks
  • [CSS] Parse ICSS @value at-rules in CSS modules
  • [CSS] Parse ICSS :import rules in CSS modules
  • [CSS] Added the url and import options for CSS
  • [CSS] Allow to import custom properties in CSS modules


  • Faster Queue implementation, also fixed queue iterator state in dequeue method to ensure correct behavior after item removal

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