yarn webpack 5.71.0

latest releases: 5.92.1, 5.92.0, 5.91.0...
2 years ago


  • choose smarter default for uniqueName when using a output.library which includes placeholders
  • add support for expressions with in of a imported binding
  • generate UMD code with arrow functions when possible


  • fix source map source names for ContextModule to be relative
  • fix chunkLoading option in module module
  • fix edge case where evaluateExpression returns null
  • retain optional chaining in imported bindings
  • include runtime code for the base URI even if not using chunk loading
  • don't throw errors in persistent caching when importing node.js builtin modules via ESM
  • fix crash when using lazy-once Context modules
  • improve handling of context modules with multiple contexts
  • fix race condition HMR chunk loading when importing chunks during HMR updating
  • handle errors in runAsChild callback

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