yarn web3 1.0.0-beta.51
web3.js 1.0.0-beta.51

latest releases: 4.8.1-dev.2f73aa5.0, 4.8.1-dev.866469d.0, 4.8.1-dev.408125.0...
5 years ago

Breaking Change

Instead of transforming numbers to string values do we return now the BigNumber object we get from the AbiCoder. This breaking change does only have an impact on your contracts of your DApp.

Local Transaction Signing

I've fixed all issues regarding the signing of transactions. Web3.js is now using the ethereumjs-tx package for it. Thanks to the ethereumjs team!

WebKit and Gecko CORS errors

I've fixed the CORS error we had with WebKit and Gecko based browsers.

Fixed Issues

#2587 #2591 #2553 #2583 #1021 #1517 #1074 #1169 #2033 #1793 #1126 #1134 #2578 #2569 #2563 #2571 #2570 #2565 #2558 #2559 #1802 #2551 #2554 #2555 #2539 #2532 #2350

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