yarn vue-tsc 2.0.5

latest releases: 3.0.0-alpha.0, 2.2.8, 2.2.6...
12 months ago


If the TypeScript language server crashes since 2.0, please try using VSCode Insiders and install JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly, or temporarily downgrade to 1.8.27.
Issue: #3962

If false positive errors occurs, please try disabling unrelated extensions in the Vue workspace.
Issue: #3942


  • language-core: support v-bind shorthand (#3990) - thanks @so1ve
  • language-service: support inlay hints for v-bind shorthand (#3990) - thanks @so1ve
  • vscode: prompt to disable Svelte extension in Vue workspace to avoid conflicts


  • typescript-plugin: fault tolerance for named pipe server data
  • language-core: avoid globalTypesHolder being specified from a node_modules file (#3990)
  • language-core: fault tolerance for plugin creation
  • language-plugin-pug: failed to load due to an invalid require path (#3930)
  • typescript-plugin: custom extensions do not work (#3977)
  • language-service: html custom data not working (#3975)


Please refer to CHANGELOG.md for details.

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