yarn uikit 3.7.0

latest releases: 3.21.6, 3.21.6-dev.4d6c5e2f9, 3.21.6-dev.7b1339eb8...
3 years ago


  • Add text decoration modifier to Text component
  • Add width variable to range thumb in to Form Range component
  • Add Bag icon


  • Change default search width and horizontal padding in Search component
  • Change badge width and font size in Badge component
  • Change button link color and text decoration in Button component
  • Change card badge height in Card component
  • Remove margin from the navbar item last-child in Navbar component
  • Add white space gap for navbar item in Navbar component
  • Allow text after icon in Iconnav component


  • Remove badge hover color variable in Badge component


  • Fix input type list showing picker indicator in Chrome
  • Fix focus background in Form and Search component
  • Fix form size modifier for textarea in Form component
  • Fix icon alignment in Nav, Subnav and Tab components
  • Fix default dropdown selector in Navbar component
  • Fix show behavior in Drop component for multiple toggles
  • Fix ScrollspyNav component triggering 'active' event on every scroll
  • Fix prevent updates on disconnected components

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