yarn ts-node 10.2.0

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2 years ago

Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1423


  • Adds top-level await support to REPL (#1383, #245) @ejose19
    • can be disabled with --no-experimental-repl-await, experimentalReplAwait, or TS_NODE_EXPERIMENTAL_REPL_AWAIT (CLI docs, API docs)
  • Setting "pretty": false disables pretty formatting of diagnostics even when stdout is a TTY (#1418, #1420) @elevatebart
    • Applies to ts-node's pretty option, not to be confused with TypeScript's pretty option
  • Ignores diagnostics which are annoying in an interactive REPL (#1396, #1120, #729, #850, #469)
    • For example, when you input const foo = 1 in the REPL, foo is unused. We ignore the resulting diagnostic foo is declared but its value is never read
    • Diagnostics are only ignored in the REPL
    • Diagnostics for non-REPL files imported by the REPL will still be shown
  • Logged stack traces are colorized to match vanilla node's behavior (#1412, #1405)


  • Fix #1397: SWC transpiler should emit ECMAScript imports and exports when configuration dictates (#1409, #1397)
    • Enables SWC transpiler to be used alongside --loader
  • Fix #1403: source-map-support breaks rendering of node errors (#1405, #1403)
  • Fix #1410: rendering of async stack frames should include async annotations (#1405, #1410)
  • Fix #1411: wrong order of process 'exit' event and logging unhandled exception (#1405, #1411)
  • Fix #1419: Should not throw require.resolve error when @types/node peerDependency is missing (#1419, #1422)


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