yarn swr 1.1.0

latest releases: 2.2.6-beta.4, 2.2.6-beta.3, 2.2.6-beta.1...
2 years ago

Highlights for This Release

1. Built-in & stable serialization for SWR keys

useSWR({ query: graphql`...`, variables }, fetcher)
useSWR({ query: graphql`...`, variables }, fetcher)
useSWR({ variables, query: graphql`...` }, fetcher)
// ^all recognized as the same resource

For array keys too, it's safe to do the following:

useSWR([ `...`, { variables } ], fetcher)

2. revalidateFirstPage for useSWRInfinite

This is a new added option for useSWRInfinite (defaults to true), you can use it to control if the first page should be revalidated when changing the size or doing a mutation.

3. Better TypeScript support

  • Key / arguments
  • Conditional / dependent
  • Constant keys
  • Returned data


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.1.0

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