yarn stylelint 13.13.0

latest releases: 16.6.1, 16.6.0, 16.5.0...
3 years ago
  • Added: no-invalid-position-at-import-rule rule (#5202).
  • Added: no-irregular-whitespace rule (#5209).
  • Added: selector-disallowed-list rule (#5239).
  • Added: selector-attribute-quotes autofix (#5248).
  • Added: ignore: ["inside-function"] to declaration-property-unit-allowed-list (#5194).
  • Fixed: color-no-hex false positives for CSS-in-JS objection notation (#5186).
  • Fixed: font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword false positives for variables (#5240).
  • Fixed: length-zero-no-unit autofix removing trailing zeroes (#5256).
  • Fixed: length-zero-no-unit false positives for level 4 math functions (#5203).
  • Fixed: length-zero-no-unit false positives for functions inside of math functions (#5245).

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