yarn serverless 3.0.0
3.0.0 (2022-01-27)

latest releases: 4.4.4, 4.4.3, 4.4.2...
2 years ago

We are excited to announce the release of Serverless Framework v3!

This new major version brings a cleaner and redesigned CLI experience as well as a brand new feature: stage parameters.

Read all about Serverless Framework v3 in the official blog post.


Read the complete v3 Upgrade Guide.

  • Variables: Old variables resolver is permanently removed. Any resolution error as approached with current resolver is assumed as final (there's no longer fallback to old resolver)
  • AWS Lambda:
    • Default lambda hashing algorithm was changed to 20201221
    • Runtimes nodejs10.x, python2.7, ruby2.5 and dotnetcore2.1 reached end of support on AWS and are no longer recognized in configuration.
    • Default runtime has been changed from nodejs12.x to nodejs14.x
    • Properties service.awsKmsKeyArn and functions[].awsKmsKeyArn are no longer supported. Use provider.kmsKeyArn and functions[].kmsKeyArn instead.
  • CLI:
    • CLI params put before command tokens are no longer recgonized (e.g. sls -f <function-name> deploy function will no longer work). In all cases construct CLI args in sls <command> <options> order
    • Unrecognized CLI options will no longer be supported and will result in an error.
    • enableLocalInstallationFallback configuration property is no longer supported.
    • Remove studio command schema
    • The --verbose CLI flag does no longer support -v alias
    • Opt-in tab-tab autocompletion feature is removed due to performance and security issues
  • AWS API Gateway:
    • Enabling logs or tracing for imported API Gateway will now result in an error instead of warning
    • For authorizers with request type and caching disabled (resultTtlInSeconds: 0), the identitySource will no longer be set to method.request.header.Authorization by default.
    • Support for usagePlan, resourcePolicy and apiKeys on provider level is removed. Use provider.apiGateway level instead to set them.
    • Support for http.request.schema has been removed and replaced with http.request.schemas.
  • AWS HTTP API: Tags from provider.tags are applied by default to HTTP API Gateway.
  • AWS CloudFront: Support for MinTTL, MaxTTL, DefaultTTL and ForwardedValues on cloudfront.behavior has been removed.
  • AWS EventBridge: By default, EventBridge resources now will be deployed using native CloudFormation resources instead of Custom Resources.
  • AWS Alexa: Support for simple alexaSkill event was removed and now appId is required for all alexaSkill events.- Serverless Components (@serverless/components) CLI is no longer integrated with Framework CLI.
  • Dashboard: tenant configuration setting is no longer respected. Ensure to rely on org instead
  • Serverless Components v1 (@serverless/cli) CLI is no longer integrated with Framework CLI.
  • Custom nested configuration paths will no longer be supported and such usage will result in an error.
  • Object notation is no longer supported for service property. Set name directly to service.
  • When creating Serverless class instance programatically, both options and commands have to be passed via config to the constructor.
  • Duplicate plugin definition in configuration will now result in an error instead of a warning.
  • Using --aws-s3-accelerate flag will result in an error instead of deprecation when custom S3 bucket is used.
  • Removed support for provider.disableDefaultOutputExportNames
  • Node.js versions lower than 12 are no longer supported
  • Lifecycle events marked as deprecated (in context of v1) are no longer evaluated


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