yarn react-pdf 9.0.0

one month ago

See Upgrade guide from version 8.x to 9.x.

This version updates PDF.js to 4.3.136, fixing GHSA-wgrm-67xf-hhpq for good. React-PDF v8.0.2 and v7.7.3 have already included a mitigation of the issue and thus were not affected by this vulnerability, but caused automatic security alerts due to the outdated PDF.js version.

❗️ = breaking change

What's new?

  • Updated PDF.js to 4.3.136.
    • Optimizations for CPU and memory usage
    • Performance improvements
    • Image rendering improvements
    • Text selection improvements
    • Accessibility improvements
    • Font conversion improvements
    • Handling of corrupted documents
  • Improved Turbopack compatibility.

What's changed?

  • ❗️ Dropped support for older browsers.
  • ❗️ Removed deprecated svg renderMode.

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