yarn react-native-svg 13.0.0

latest releases: 15.9.0, 15.8.0, 15.8.0-rc.3...
2 years ago

Release introducing React Native SVG with Fabric support! 🎉 🚀

Please upgrade your apps and test if it does not introduce any bugs both on old and new architecture 🐛 Keep in mind that due to changes in configuration introduced in newest versions of react-native, you should use version 0.69.0+ to be able to use it on Fabric. Also, if you use the new architecture with react-native version lesser than 0.70.0-rc.3, you need to handle linking on Android by yourself (since autolinking is available from that version).

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v12.4.4...v13.0.0

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