yarn react-native-reanimated 1.4.0

latest releases: 3.12.0-nightly-20240511-2f090ab5d, 3.12.0-nightly-20240510-325bd18fb, 3.12.0-nightly-20240509-0c962f957...
4 years ago

Minor release, because of native changes related to fixing the evaluation logic:

Features 🎉:

  1. Add tvos podspec support (#440) @keshavkaul
  2. Allow to pass a callback as parameter of useCode() (#408) @wcandillon

Fixes 🐛:

  1. Refine debug() typing (#434) @wcandillon
  2. Fix node dirty marking when new connection between nodes is made (#450) @kmagiera
  3. fix: mock.js NOOP to allow for "new" constructor call (#439) @ajsmth

Docs 📖:

  1. Add Jest doc to the README @PierreCapo

Many thanks!

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