yarn react-hook-form 7.54.0
Version 7.54.0

latest release: 7.54.1
6 days ago

๐Ÿฆฅ fix: useForm should return a new object on formState changes (#12424)
๐Ÿงป improve prototype pollution check (#12431)
๐Ÿช– fix: add FileList availability check for environments without FileList support (#12332)
๐Ÿงช close #12198 memo for useController and useFormState (#12421)
๐Ÿž fix #12407 useFieldArray append issue with useForm disabled props (#12420)
๐Ÿž fix #12415 issue with flatten object with null value (#12418)
๐Ÿž fix #12385 nested array field invalid validation report on removed (#12405)
๐Ÿ™€ fix: hasPromiseValidation return true or false appropriately. (#12389)
๐Ÿ‘ƒ fix more staled props (#12404)

thanks to @developer-bandi, @OlegDev1, @sukvvon, @alexandredev3 and @mfazekas

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