yarn react-hook-form 6.0.0-rc.2
Version 6.0.0-rc.2

latest releases: 7.51.5, 7.51.4, 7.51.3...
4 years ago


🎯 auto focus with useFieldArray (#1689)

append({}, autoFocus = true);
prepend({}, autoFocus = true);
insert({}, autoFocus = true);

🔋 #1580 Controller with render props API (#1711)

  • Controller

Less of a breaking change for existing users, simple usage remain while still give the user the full control with render prop. Remove the following props

  • onChange
  • onChangeName
  • onBlur
  • onBlurName
  • valueName

Simple usage as below, will not be impacted:

<Controller as={TextField} control={control} name="test" />

Usage involed configration and those remmoved props:

-  as={CustomInput} 
-  valueName="textValue"
-  onChangeName="onTextChange"
-  control={control} 
-  name="test"  
+  render={({ onChange, onBlur, value }) => (
+     <CustomInput onTextChange={onChange} onBlur={onBlur} textValue={value} />
+  )}
+  control={control} 
+  name="test"  

  • ErrorMessage

change render props from children to render. you can either use as or render. for multiple error messages, you will have to use render

<ErrrorMessage errors={errors} as="p" />
<ErrrorMessage errors={errors} render={({message}) => {message}} />

Bug & Improvements:

🐞 fix watch and setValue type (#1705)
🐞 fix handleSubmit type for native multiple input (#1698)
🎯 close #1683 watch API with React Fast Refresh (#1685)
🐞 fix isValid issue with setError (#1678)
🎯 close #1619 issue around errors with useFieldArray (#1673)
🥂 clean up lib types' structure (#1670)
🐞 close #1619 when useFieldArray errors is not array (#1671)
🐞 fix dirty fields read at field array (#1668)
🐞 fix issue with isDirty when use context (#1666)
❤️ improve setValue and watch type (#1660)
🐞 fix register type to accept null argument (#1663)
🥂 improve generics naming (#1653)
🐞 fix dirtyFields type typo (#1654)
🎳 rename OnSubmit to SubmitHandler (#1708)
🐞 fix undefined ref in options (#1727)
✅ add displayName for easier dev-tools debugging (#1740)

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