yarn react-hook-form 6.0.0-rc.1
Version 6.0.0-rc.1

latest releases: 7.51.4, 7.51.3, 7.51.2...
4 years ago

🚨 Breaking changes

remove validationSchema and embrace validation resolver

Reason: we would love to support all kinds of schema validation instead of just Yup, also it's not fair to carry that extra logic for users who don't use schema at all. also perhaps there are lighter options than only Yup as well.

Name Size Url
Superstruct 4.5KB link
Yup 20KB link
Joi 29KB link
- useForm({ validationSchema: schema })
+ useForm({ resolver: yupResolver(schema) })
+ useForm({ resolver: joiResolver(schema) })
+ useForm({ resolver: superStructResolver(schema) })
import React from 'react';
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
import { yupResolver } from 'react-hook-form-resolvers';

const SignupSchema = yup.object().shape({
  name: yup.string().required(),
  age: yup.number().required(),

const App = () => {
  const { register, handleSubmit } = useForm({
    resolver: yupResolver(SignupSchema), // yup, joi and even your own.

  return (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(d => console.log(d))}>
        <input name="test" ref={register} />
        <input type="submit" />

reanme validationResolver to resolver
reanme validationContext to context
reanme validateCriteriaMode to criteriaMode

Reason: less for the user to type, consistent with the rest of the APIs. This is a generic validation library, it makes sense to keep naming generic and validation should already be the context for this whole lib.

- validationResolver,
- validationContext,
+ resolver,
+ context,

Controller props onChange change from array arguments to object arguments

Reason: This should be the expected behavior for function's arguments.

- onChange = {([e]) => console.log(e)};
+ onChange = {(e) => console.log(e)};

triggerValidation rename to trigger

Reason: Less for a user to type and consistent with the rest of the APIs. However, if this having issue or conflict with your existing code base, you have the option to rename it in the deconstructor.

- triggerValidation();
+ trigger();

FormContext rename to FormProvider

Reason: Align name with all those big libraries such as Redux, styled-components and etc.

- <FormContext />
+ <FormProvider />

export FormContext

Reason: Some users may want to use FormContext.Consumer.

import { FormContext } from 'react-hook-form';

// in your connected component
render() {
  return (
      {({ register, handleSubmit }) => {
        // do something with the useForm methods here

remove nest option for watch& getValues, so data return from both methods will be in FormValues shape.

Reason: Consistency for form values and better type support.

- getValues({ nest: true }); // { test: { data: 'test' }}
- watch({ nest: true });  // { test: { data: 'test' }}
+ getValues(); // { test: { data: 'test' }}
+ watch();  // { test: { data: 'test' }}

dirtyFields change type from set to object

Reason: consistency form state API and simplify the codebase. Reduced codebase size with object data shape.

dirty change name to isDirty

Reason: consistency form state name for boolean data.

🥃 New Features

TS: NestedValue

Reason: The field value can be array/object such as Material-UI Multiple Select and custom registered field (Custom Register).

Currently, errors object expects an array value to always be multiple fields, but it can also be a single field with an array value. To solve this, it supports NestedValue to determine if it is the field value (array/object).

import { useForm, NestedValue } from 'react-hook-form';

type FormValues = {
  key1: string;
  key2: number;
  key3: NestedValue<{
    key1: string;
    key2: number;
  key4: NestedValue<string[]>

const { errors } = useForm<FormValues>();

errors?.key1?.message // no type error
errors?.key2?.message // no type error
errors?.key3?.message // no type error
errors?.key4?.message // no type error

useWatch (new) subscribe to registered inputs.

Reason: This could isolate the re-render within a particular component without trigger re-render at the form level. This is different from watch API, which will re-render at the root of useForm

<input name="test" ref={register} />

function IsolateReRender() {
  const { state } = useWatch({
    name: 'test',
    defaultValue: 'default'

  return <div>{state}</div>

getValues() support array of field names

Reason: API Consistency with watch

+ getValues(['test', 'test1']); // { test: 'test', test1: 'test1' }

useForm({ mode: 'all' }) support all validation

Reason: so each input can validate with blur and change. #1222

+ useForm({ mode: 'all' })

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