yarn react-hook-form 4.10.2
Version 4.10.2

latest releases: 7.51.4, 7.51.3, 7.51.2...
4 years ago

Happy 1st birthday!

🐞 fix validationResolver issue due to cache validationContext (#1132)
💃 improve useFieldArray with useCallback for each methods (#1130)
🐞 fix #1141 getValues return empty string (#1145)
🛎 Add UMD build target (#1157)
🐞 fix #1158 fix setValue not working with object array (#1160)
🐞 fix #1154 controller onChange type check (#1162)
Important: The above is a breaking change, which I will release a major version by today. Controller: onChange will only evaluate payload as event like object. eg: react-select will no longer need extra onChange method at Controller.

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