yarn react-hook-form 3.28.0
Version 3.28.0

latest releases: 7.51.4, 7.51.3, 7.51.2...
4 years ago

✨ Feature: support multiple errors for single field (#430)

useForm({ validateCriteriaMode: 'all' })

<input name="test" ref={register({ required: true, minLength: 10, pattern: /\d+/gi })} />

all validation errors will display together when both valiation failed.

✨ Feature/array of checkboxes (#500) Thanks to @ldanet ❤️

<input name="test" type="checkbox" value="a" />
<input name="test" type="checkbox" value="b" />

Finally, we can support checkbox with same name, check both values will return ['a', 'b']

🔨 validate function return type to removed void (This solve problem for error message due to type void)
validate: value => { }; // you need to return string or boolean
validate: value => { return false; }

🐞 close #516 make sure watch return consistent default value (#517)
🐞 close #513 fix trigger validate error message (#514)
🐞 close #510 reset bug with onChange (#512)
🔦 clean up types (#495)
🥂 Reset accepts partial FormValues (#482)
✂️ remove API validationFields (#484)
validationFields optional argument will no longer be supported and use unregister instead

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